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Reforming in a sentence

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Sentence count:214+4Posted:2018-01-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reformistforminginformingperformingconformingdewormingnonconformingperforming arts
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31. The government had made serious proposals during 1988 about reforming the graduate assignment system because of its glaring inefficiencies.
32. In my own perverse way, I approved of this single paradox in her newly forming, but not reforming, character.
33. Congress could help solve this problem later this year when it begins reforming the 600-page Higher Education Act of 1965.
34. As with all other proposed changes for broadcasting, the details of the Thatcher Government's reforming zeal are as yet unknown.
35. Solving the problem A pressing need in reforming medical education is to redress the imbalance between teaching, research, and administration.
36. As for reforming and rebuilding the economy, Hashimoto divided the remaining five years this century into three stages.
37. Reforming health care is one of the key sticking points in the budget negotiations.
38. Those countries that have made most headway in their reforming efforts are simply the precursors of the others.
39. He was concerned not with reforming society but with securing his personal salvation.
40. Reforming of DNase I hypersensitive sites in Long 12 transgenic mice in a copy number dependent fashion.
41. Radically reforming conditions inside prisons, reducing overcrowding, improving prison officers' morale and punishing offenders where possible within the community.
42. Changing supplementary and housing benefit would be more contentious than reforming occupational pensions.
43. These relate to her previous business activities in the gas industry, which she now says she is reforming.
44. Philanthropists and clergymen had to admit that their own reforming schemes had completely failed.
45. Curteys was a new type, learned, reforming and zealous, a man with a consummate lack of tact.
46. He said it was a pale shadow of Chris Patten's recommendations for reforming the force.
47. Hodgson is a member of the Coalition of Essential Schools, a national group dedicated to reforming high schools.
48. Reforming officials within both the prison system and the criminal justice process can not afford to be merely reactive.
49. Clinton has responded by stressing his support for reforming the current system.
50. Methods Reforming the Hodge method in synthetizing DMF.
51. China has achieved remarkable results in reforming criminals.
52. Copper based under methanol steam reforming for fuel cell.
53. -- Further reforming and perfecting the grain circulation system.
53. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
54. The city's security apparatus needs reforming.
55. He advocates reforming the prison system.
56. In his later years he contributed to reforming statutes.
57. Reforming consumer subsidy programs, though desirable, is not easy.
58. It can promote correspondingly inherent stability of international monetary system to make up a new global financial framework and make regional currency arrangements after reforming IMF.
59. The paper points out that only by reforming the picking gangue system, the best-selling quality power coal series can be produced and the optimum economic benefit be achieved.
60. Now , stopping illegal immigration must go handhand with reforming our creaky system of legal immigration.
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