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Razor in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+13Posted:2017-04-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: amazonblazonemblazonrazegrazecrazycrazebrazenMeaning: ['reɪzə(r)]  n. edge tool used in shaving. v. shave with a razor. 
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91. That would be akin to the business school model of giving away the razor while charging for the blades.
92. Several prisoners were armed with weapons fashioned from razor blades.
93. Here she stopped to watch old Twomey the butler shaving himself with a cut-throat razor.
94. A good picture, any picture, has to be bristling with razor blades. Pablo Picasso 
95. He said divers surveying the aftermath of the Braer tanker disaster found large numbers of razor shells contaminated with oil.
96. The high grey wall has a lip trimmed with razor wire.
97. He was a tallish man with a mind as sharp as a razor.
98. A typical half embryo was seen to emerge just as if an older embryo had been sliced in two with a razor.
99. There is not much chance of finding a razor blade, much less using it in the appropriate way.
100. His hairbrush, razor, everything I'd previously touched, had relinquished his identity.
101. At my house Jasper kept an electric razor, a toothbrush, and he saw to it that I always had aspirin.
102. The cord of the electric razor was plugged in above.
103. The old sides can be removed by slicing through the silicone sealer with a razor or scalpel.
104. To help matters along, I used a new razor blade.
105. My hands shook as I slowly ran the razor over my face, cutting through the cream in even swaths.
106. Glendenning cuts the notice with a razor, but it takes him some time to clear the locks.
107. He stopped freezing his wrist long enough to prop a clean blade against the razor case.
108. He finished shaving, wrapped his razor in a towel and put it in his drawer.
109. Perfection is cold and clinical, every angle precise, every edge razor sharp and according to plan.
110. Razor bills are black and white with deep, square bills.
111. Last December,( he took a drugs overdose and in September slashed his wrists and groin with a smuggled razor blade.
112. He felt the blade of the open razor scrape against the back of his neck and again on his forehead.
113. The two schools shared some equipment and services, including the razor strop used to discipline students.
114. A litter of cocaine bags and razor blades was found in the room.
115. Then he hands the blacksmith some razor blades with which to make barbs.
116. The Hunter's razor sharp teeth now turned their attention to him.
117. Two guards were attacked with a razor blade and slightly injured.
118. Q - Hello, are you looking for electric razor?
119. The instruments are often unsterilized knives or razor blades.
120. We bought him a safety razor for his birthday.
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