Synonym: successfulness. Similar words: prosper, prospect, asperity, introspect, introspection, retrospective, austerity, posterity. Meaning: [prɑ'sperətɪ /prɒ-] n. 1. an economic state of growth with rising profits and full employment 2. the condition of prospering; having good fortune.
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91 Evident in all aspects of the economy is the imbalance between the prosperity of the periphery and the stagnation of the centre.
92 Prosperity, too, had been the product of small enterprises and a lengthy consumer boom financed by credit.
93 Pax Britannica was supposed to bring peace and prosperity to the world.
94 The economy consists of individuals seeking prosperity, yet most of its laws and many of its customs are about social harmony.
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95 It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted. Aeschylus
96 Could this be a prelude to a trade war even more destructive of world prosperity than a military war?
97 Home rule and decentralisation will ensure that economic power and prosperity is spread throughout Britain.
98 Radical activism was no hindrance to Chidley's treading the path to prosperity during the 1650s.
99 According to the economic libertarian's theory, there should have been an increase in economic prosperity.
100 I think it is integral for the future prosperity of downtown.
101 Old amahs in black pantaloons lit joss sticks in wayside temples, and prayed for prosperity.
102 You could smell prosperity as you walked down the lanes.
103 Everything - growth, employment and prosperity - is to be subordinated and sacrificed to pegging the exchange rate of the pound.
104 Mexico achieved a remarkable 8% annual growth rate, but the new prosperity did not last.
105 This suggests that in some circumstances material prosperity may increase without cultural patterns changing markedly.
106 The political order depends upon the economic system to generate goods and services for the survival and prosperity of its citizens.
107 Winterthur's prosperity was built on business acumen and new industries.
108 He has presided over a degree of prosperity unknown under his predecessor[], Sukarno.
109 The vine is an age-old symbol of peace and prosperity.
110 The chemical industry makes a crucial contribution to our health and prosperity and to protection of the environment.
111 The continuity of a successful outcome of the tendering process is the springboard of a company's future growth and prosperity.
112 Investment in canals had brought prosperity for many shareholders and there was similar enthusiasm to invest in the railways.
113 From the harbour, I could see oil installations in the distance, another source of Galwegian prosperity.
114 She held herself raised by her great prosperity above all that ordinary mortals fear and reverence.
115 In sum, their experience reverses the old saw about immigration and prosperity.
116 This cottage gradually grew into a station, and this station brought prosperity to the land around it.
117 Only the defence budget will see the benefit of prosperity.
118 Stark and Evans is meeting its obligations thanks to the general prosperity in the markets.
119 However, this relative prosperity tends to obscure the precarious living conditions of the 3.5m Kurds who live in the area.
120 This decision recognises the airport's potential importance for job creation and economic prosperity in the Ipswich area.
More similar words: prosper, prospect, asperity, introspect, introspection, retrospective, austerity, posterity, to speak of, so to speak, inherit, heritage, prosecute, prostrate, criteria, prosecutor, purity, prosecution, minority, majority, alacrity, security, priority, meritocracy, obscurity, integrity, authority, celebrity, mediocrity, similarity.