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Preprocessing in a sentence

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Sentence count:73Posted:2018-04-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reprocessingdigital image processingprocessingnatural language processingdata processingword processingreprocessmultiprocessing
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(31) The key operation of data preprocessing is feature selection and extraction.
(32) The ECG system analysis consists of two aspects: preprocessing and feature analysis.
(33) In this paper, signal preprocessing for bearing determination of ocean surface radial current mapping by HF ground wave radar based on MUSIC is investigated.
(34) By simulation it shows that the obtained I and Q phase reference video signals, by means of the preprocessing, lay a solid foundation of feature extraction.
(35) The technologies are emphasized, including image collection, preprocessing, edge detection and selection, calculating the dose of the point and drawing the isodose .
(36) The novel commercial data mining system presented in this paper include three parts: data preparation, data preprocessing, mining and evaluation.
(37) After preprocessing the sampled real-time image sequences, moving target tracking is realized by combining improved Ostu algorithm and adaptive window tracing method.
(38) Binary image processing and filtering are presented as preprocessing steps.
(39) This will allow for benchmarking and specific fine tuning of the process of preprocessing itself.
(40) The system's software include signal acquisition module, signal preprocessing module, character point detecting module, isochrone map construction module, output display and print module.
(41) Ion exchange resin is one of the most familiar materials used in preprocessing of industrial water - supply.
(42) The problems relating to cluster include data preprocessing, similarity measure and cluster validity.
(43) It includes image preprocessing, graphics auto-recognition, graphics format conversion and human-computer interactive method, such as raster image edition and vector graphics edition.
(44) The AVO (Amplitude Versus Offset) preprocessing is stricter than conventional processing in NMO, multiples attenuation and amplitude preservation.
(45) There is a multi-level image preprocessing algorithm, called "The outer boundary sampling method", in this paper.
(46) Preprocessing number does not have a type or a value; it acquires both after a successful conversion (as part of translation phase 7, 2.1) to an integral literal token or a floating literal token.
(47) For nonstandard data are reported by first-line management department, a data preprocessing method is designed and implemented, which integrated manual processing with procedures to standardize data.
(48) The preprocessing include zero solution, waveform normalization and gray degree transformation.
(49) Chapter 3 introduces the processes of data preprocessing, they are data cleaning, user identification, user session identification, path supplement and data formatting.
(50) Preprocessing number tokens lexically include all integral literal tokens (2.13.1) and all floating literal tokens (2.13.3).
(51) Raw data preprocessing, the size of training data, as well as the size of input vectors have been studied separately, to find out the best parameter set of BP neural network prediction.
(52) Then after preprocessing the binary image watermark, with different embedding strength the watermark image is embedded by the rule of odd-even adjudgement.
(53) Then the author mentioned that the incomplete subsampling is one of reliability preprocessing methods, it includes instantaneous failure, data induction and Johnson method, ...
(54) A new image preprocessing method based on high-pass filter and morphology is presented.
(55) Relevant processing of CPCPT consists of three parts: Doppler preprocessing, pulse compression, and Doppler post - processing .
(56) Based on the preprocessing of the intelligence data from radar intelligence automation system, a new computation method of radar detection probability based on the measured data is presented.
(57) Band-stop filter was used in preprocessing circuit for multi-element IR missile seeker in order to restrain heavy cloud clutter background.
(58) The preprocessing of a character includes checking whether the character is a mnemonic of another control.
(58) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(59) In the process of monitoring data preprocessing step, the relative radiometric calibration do an in - depth study.
(60) Preprocessing directives are executed, macro invocations are expanded, and _ Pragma unary operator expressions are executed.
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