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Peri in a sentence

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Sentence count:34Posted:2017-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: beriberiperilEricerieaerieusher inxericeerieMeaning: n. 1. a beautiful and graceful girl 2. (Persian folklore) a supernatural being descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done. 
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31 The aromatic structure of pentane asphaltenes is mainly peri condensed, while for resins the proportion of cata condensed and peri condensed aromatic structures is comparable.
32 The filiformapparatus of the synergid is obvious and reveals positive reaction with peri - odin acid - schiff.
33 Por qu é no pones un anuncio en el peri ? ? dico para vender tu carro?
34 Objective:To investigate the expression of IL-8 in peri -implant crevicular fluid(PICF) before and after periodontal scaling and rinsing.
More similar words: beriberiperilEricerieaerieusher inxericeeriemeritperishserifperiodsheriffcherishaerialperigeeimperilserialclericverityperiodsceriseeerilyinheritderiveseriessuperiorverifyiberiaverily
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