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Pbs in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2018-08-04Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a solution containing a phosphate buffer. 
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1. Tonight PBS will air a documentary called "Democracy In Action".
2. This evening PBS presents the first part of a six-part historical drama about the Civil War.
3. Do you want to watch the movie on PBS?
4. Check for Wild Chronicles on your local PBS station.
5. PBS control group was established.
6. After dialysis, Nef protein was dissolved in PBS.
7. Programs on this channel are run by the Public Broadcasting Service(PBS) and can be seen all over the USA.
8. The President said at the PBS interview that the plan represents America's best chance success.
9. Conclusion It is obvious that the PBS around nodules is of important value to tuberculoma diagnosis and different diagnosis.
10. Andy Carvin is former director of the Digital Divide Network [] and writes a blog called for the Public Broadcasting Service [].
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. Objective To evaluate diagnostic value of the peripheral bronchiectasis sign (PBS) in diagnosis of lung tuberculoma.
12. Instead, PBS decided to send the clean version out to all of its stations.
13. Jack Horkheimer, host of the PBS show "Star Gazer, " called the event "the moon, the lord of the rings and heart of the lion eclipse."
14. Research at PBS responds to stock assessment, aquaculture, marine environment and habitat science.
15. The polarization beam splitter(PBS) and polarization beam combiner (PBC) were utilized to form dual loop structure to suppress the side modes of microwave signal without adding active device.
16. The block copolymers of poly( butylene succinate)(PBS) and poly (ethylene terephthalate)(PET) were synthesized by a melting process at different times.
17. Her last performance, a PBS special scheduled air in February, was taped just six weeks ago.
18. The buffer of phosphate buffered saline(PBS) was used to dilute the extract to removal the matrix effects.
19. Sesame Street is produced by the Children's Television Workshop in association with PBS.
20. The paper improved the extracting method of crude curcin liquid in Jatropha seeds, and by orthogonal experiment design , the best condition of the PBS was obtained.
21. Asian Business Report . Narr. Ress Jones . Prod . John Hawke . PBS . WEFT, New York . 15 August 1990.
22. Methods: Taking human faeces as samples, to precipitate bacteria through PBS cleaning and centrifuge.
23. After mixing with soil 90 d , large parts of PbSO 4 and PbS were not dissolved.
24. Proliferation of periosteum was observed in some of the animals injected with BSA and PBS.
25. This method solves the problem of the temperature drift of PbS well.
26. The paper introduces database design theory, SCADA real-time data theory and flexible data interface briefly, and put forewords that using SCADA powerful script to design PBS dispatching algorithm.
27. Control group was injected with the same dose of PBS.
28. Its agglutinating activity was influenced by the temperature, reaction time and concentrating of ion of PBS.
29. Now most will not remember the very forgettable show Ghostwriter on PBS.
30. With prolonged mice sleep time test by pentyl barbital sodium (PBS), the authours studied the prolonged effect of the capsules on PBS-induced sleeping time.
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