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Pbs in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2018-08-04Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a solution containing a phosphate buffer. 
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31. Methods New Zealand rabbits were divided into group Decorin, group PBS and normal control group.
32. In 1989, the then PBS state government took the unfortunate step of "discontinuing" the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies in Sabah because water is a "state matter".
33. The loss angle decreased with the increase of frequency. Modified PBS showed lower viscosity and obviously enhanced shear thinning extent compared with that of linear PBS.
34. Warm your reagents ( media, PBS, trypsin ) to 25 - 37? ? C prior to use.
35. There is also a public broadcasting network ( PBS ), and there are hundreds of local television stations.
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