Similar words: bowed, cowed, crowed, avowed, widowed, hallowed, endowed, borrowed. Meaning: [əʊ]
adj. 1. owed and payable immediately or on demand 2. owed as a debt.
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61. New ruling administrators owed allegiance to the state.
62. Others are owed much more, but that's little consolation.
63. It is also owed $ 2 million.
64. Apparently money was owed in Royalties for earlier operations.
65. Blake already owed him nearly £50.
66. Many bishops owed their position to the king.
67. I believed I owed him some debt.
68. TWENTY-FOUR I owed my life to Martinho.
69. You are owed an apology also.
70. It seemed to me I owed him some explanation.
71. Lagerfeld owed $ 12.5m in tax arrears.
71. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
72. Or l would make believe he owed me money.
73. My debt is owed to the Eston Hills.
74. He owed it to Sue to avenge Arabella.
75. After being so cold she owed me that.
76. The duty is owed by manufacturers.
77. That is, the value of each vote is equal to the amount owed to the creditor casting that vote.
78. Recent books have revealed the unacknowledged literary debts that writers such as Brecht and Joyce owed to the women in their lives.
79. They wanted to know how much they owed for the repairs the mechanics had made.
80. He owed money to numerous tradesmen, here and in London.
81. In effect this raises the question, to whom is the duty of fairness owed?
82. But in February, 1991, he received a summons to appear before magistrates on an allegation that he owed £269.40.
83. I owed the army three years of service for teaching me to fly helicopters.
84. The moribund, quasi-clerical state of the universities owed much to this fact.
85. Above all, each coalition owed as much to a revulsion from old attachments as to the attractions of new ones.
86. In both cases loyalty was owed to the crown rather than the steward.
87. This is a particular example of negligence liability but is owed only to employees and not to independent contractors.
88. She said I owed her twenty dollars. I thought it was twenty-five but I wasn't going to quibble.
89. The Internal Revenue Service acknowledges that McGill, a retired civil engineer, never owed the government.
90. He filed a tax return but failed to remit what he owed.
More similar words: bowed, cowed, crowed, avowed, widowed, hallowed, endowed, borrowed, narrowed, furrowed, bestowed, mellowed, swallowed, wed, awed, wedge, flawed, wedged, renewed, skewed, outlawed, wedding, newlywed, wedlock, screwed, wednesday, wedding gown, home-brewed, out of wedlock, ash wednesday.