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Occupy in a sentence

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Sentence count:253+4Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absorbbusyconcernengageengrossfillinhabitinterestinvadelodge inresidetakeuse upworrySimilar words: occupationoccursocceraccuseoccasionalon occasionaccurateaccuracyMeaning: ['ɑkjəpaɪ /'ɒkjʊ-]  v. 1. be present in; be inside of 2. keep busy with 3. live (in a certain place) 4. occupy the whole of 5. be on the mind of 6. require (time or space) 7. march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation 8. engage or engross wholly. 
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181. A solid solution wherein relatively small solute atoms occupy interstitial positions between the solvent or atoms.
182. As an important instrumentality, science education should occupy the spirit.
183. You can't occupy yourself with dismal thoughts all the time.
184. Ionic exchange membrane to alkali is advanced technology in the world nowadays, the craft-interlocking device occupy the important position in the production.
185. After emerging from the lamp reflector, the p-polarized light would pass through a half-wave retarder that would occupy half of the beam cross section.
186. Results Fibrinogen of high cholesterol set is original to ascend occupy 80 %.
187. The sex electrons which occupy this trous - shaped cloud are called the aromatic sextet.
188. With the unique position of Chinese jade culture in Chinese civilization,[] jade moppets occupy an important place in the traditional moppet culture.
189. Through capital management, they fleetly grow up, and occupy vast market.
190. Dr. Norman McNeill Hale and his wife were to occupy one. This was quite a card.
191. Because of the postulated incompressibility of the fluid, equal masses of fluid occupy equal volumes.
192. The repairs needed before we can occupy the house will be considerable.
193. Progress of job of equipment spring ploughing is greater, save area ratio of of all kinds order to go up completely year increase 58% , 33% what occupy crop to grow an area.
194. In the 19th century Americans believed in manifest destiny, meaning that they thought God wanted them to occupy the whole continent.
195. The new media has become one of the important pillars of sports industry; the sports occupy important position in the new media because of its social radiating power and the penetrating power.
196. Once established the connection press joypad to occupy the communication channel and to send a message.
197. Laikening, Masa, the storehouse also occupy compared to the card the edge which eliminates.
198. Beijing natives, high-ranking officials and skilled workers habituate the central areas of the city; while pop stars and entrepreneurs occupy the picturesque suburbs.
199. Our country lacquer tree is resourceful, lacquer crop and lacquer seed crop occupy world first place.
200. Expecting to destination mount wood already was a day black. Occupy prefectural hostel.
201. The first known royal palace to occupy Parliament's site was Edward the Confessor's (c1065).
202. To gain competition advantages, they should construct information networks, occupy market space, seize opportunities and employe-commerce specialists. 6 refs.
203. But the Occupy Wall Street protest, which has been burgeoning in dozens of other American locales, may gain traction with its slogan, "We are the 99%, " says Lichtenstein.
204. Alleles of the same gene occupy the equivalent locus on homologous chromosomes.
205. Temperate forest ecosystems occupy a position of prominence among all ecosystems.
206. In Parliament to occupy half of the seats of the two opposition Social Democratic Party, the Czech and Moravian Communist Party are firmly opposed to U. S. plans to base the radar.
207. San Francisco, Calif. Those who occupy the lofty elevations of Russian Hill, Pacific Heights and Presidio Heights would surely agree that San Francisco should be high on the desirability list.
208. Products with good quality and reasonable prices in the domestic industry speakers will occupy the position of speaker unit is the professional manufacturer.
209. Chen Zhiyong with cash contributive, occupy a company to register capital 5.80 %.
210. Herediatery nonpopsis colorectal cancer(HNPCC) is an autosomal dominant inheritance syndrome , its penetrance is as high as 70 - 80% , and occupy about 5-15% of the colorectal cancer.
More similar words: occupationoccursocceraccuseoccasionalon occasionaccurateaccuracythe accusedoccasionallyaccusationaccurately
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