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Nrc in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2018-09-18Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. an independent federal agency created in 1974 to license and regulate nuclear power plants. 
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(1) Although he was NRC chairman, Hervey was strictly a bit player in government.
(2) Such interim storage requires an NRC permit.
(3) The Corps sponsored the NRC study.
(4) Recent formal documentation of this comes from a National Research Council (NRC) blue ribbon panel appointed a year ago to examine the scientific validity of the polygraph for national security.
(5) But U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) chief Gregory Jaczko told a House energy subcommittee earlier in the day that radiation levels at the Fukushima plant were "extremely high."
(6) See on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission site for diagrams on how water moves through a boiling water reactor operating normally.
(7) So says the US National Research Council (NRC), which has flagged weaknesses in the country's nuclear sleuthing capability.
(8) NRC researchers use the apparatus shown here to assess the conductivity of various potential membrane materials.
(9) In 1980, NRC changed its position concerning generic treatment of Class 9 accidents under NEPA.
(10) Suppression, ARC and NRC were 13.85 % , 56.15 % and 30.00 % respectively in exotropia.
(11) Chairman NRC is this one motion that announces on all employee conference.
(12) I know the NRC in recent times has pulled a lot of those off the internet but you might have in your local library, perhaps in a nuclear engineering library, copies of old FSARs.
(13) A Dutch daily, NRC Handelsblad , joined a few months ago, followed by Politiken from Denmark.
(14) The National Response Center ( NRC ) is the sole federal point of reporting oil and chemical spills.
(15) NRC If you get into trouble the NRC can issue what is called a Confirmatory Action Letter which basically says you must do this by such and such a time or you'll be shutdown.
(16) NRC regulations required evacuation plans only for areas within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant.
(17) "We have some of the most expert people in this field in the world working for the [Nuclear Regulatory Commission](," said NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko in an NRC news release.
(18) The ban may be lifted, however, once the recommendations of NRC study are made public.
(19) "And little attention has been paid to inexpensive, nonstructural navigation improvements that could ease current barge traffic, " says NRC in a statement.
(20) To solve this problem, he ordered dedicated phones lines be connected between the White House, the NRC, and the State House at Harrisburg.
(21) The French nuclear engineering firm Areva also defended its EPR design, which is also pending NRC approval.
Total 21, 30 Per page  1/1 
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