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Niger in a sentence

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Sentence count:86Posted:2017-09-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nigerialigertigerniggertigerssniggertiger lilynazi germanyMeaning: n. 1. an African river; flows into the South Atlantic 2. a landlocked republic in West Africa; gained independence from France in 1960; most of the country is dominated by the Sahara Desert. 
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(31) At the end of the last Tuareg rebellion in 1995, many former rebels were brought into the Niger military as part of the peace settlement.
(32) Comparing with acid and ? ? - glucosidase from almond, ? ? - glucosidase from Aspergillus niger showed the highest hydrolysis efficiency.
(33) Methods The recovery rate test of aspergillus niger was carried out in compound ketoconazole cream by using neutralization method and medium dilution method.
(34) Several years later, will these splendent architecture and culture still exist along the Niger River?
(35) A coup has taken place in Niger and the president has been captured after a gun battle in the capital, Niamey.
(36) The effect of Candida on cellulase and amylase activities of Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus fumigatus in soild fermentation was studied by mixed culture.
(37) The 10 worst places to be a mother are: Afghanistan, Niger, Guinea-Bissau, Yemen, Chad, DR Congo, Eritrea, Mali, Sudan, and the Central African Republic.
(38) The control microorganisms were added to samples including Staphylo- coccus aureus, Escherichia coil, Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger.
(39) The next harvest in most of Niger is several weeks away.
(40) Objective:Aspergillus niger and Candida mycoderma was used to ferment Daqu distiller's grain to produce single cell protein feed with the additive of glucoamylase and cellulose.
(41) Both men fell in with mean political machines—Arthur in New York, Mr Jonathan in the Niger Delta—and were elevated from total obscurity to the vice-presidency by scheming regional bosses.
(42) Amadou says security is further complicated by drug trafficking, banditry, and kidnapping in an area that the government of Niger cannot control.
(43) The capital and largest city of Mali , in the southwest on the Niger River.
(44) Countless generations of Tuareg warriors ruled this realm, demanding tribute from merchants plying the caravan routes and raiding sedentary tribes along the Niger River for animals and slaves.
(45) One day the whole Republic of Niger might be swallowed by the mighty desert.
(46) Any of several West African languages belong to the South Central Niger including Yoruba.
(47) Results The hairy root of H. niger was successfully induced by using A. rhizogenes strains A4, LBA9402, and C58C1 for the first time and the best system of hairy root culture was established.
(48) Major rivers, such as the Nile Basin, Niger River basin, formed his own brilliant ancient civilization.
(48) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(49) Aspergillus niger is one of the widest used strains in the fields of applied and industrial enzymology, it can produce abundant enzymes.
(50) France has confirmed that two of its citizens who were kidnapped from a restaurant in Niamey, the capital of Niger, on Friday have been killed.
(51) "We also used Qaddafi, " one rebel says, noting that Tuareg from Mali and Niger had smuggled weapons from the camps to fight their governments at home.
(52) The tolerance of Aspergillus niger to ozone is studied in this paper.
(53) As the child of Presbyterian missionaries, Ms. Browne lived in Brazil, China and Niger, and was used to a peripatetic lifestyle, so she decided to take to the road.
(54) The Bank is making $100 million available in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, and Niger through additional financing and restructuring of existing operations.
(55) Throughout Libya's rebellion, several convoys of Gadhafi allies have crossed into Niger on what the government in Niamey calls humanitarian grounds.
(56) In Niger, Amadou Morou said it was a speech against extremism both in the United States and in other countries.
(57) Aspergillus niger 3866 is confirmed the highly enzyme activity producing strain by screening strain.
(58) Aspergillus niger SL - 08 was treated by ultraviolet ( UV ) and nitrosoguanidine ( NTG ).
(59) Methods Hairy root of H. niger was obtained from cotyledon explants after infected with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains A4, LBA9402, and C58C1, respectively.
(60) The results showed aspergillus niger BN was the optimal fungus, and the productive rate of gutta -perch increased 13.3%.
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