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Poet in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+8 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: poetessSimilar words: poemMeaning: ['pəʊɪt]  n. a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry). 
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1, The worst tragedy for a poet is to be admired through being misunderstood. 
2, He is highly rated as a poet.
3, William Wordsworth wrote lyric poetry/was a lyric poet.
4, She was an extremely gifted poet.
5, Robert Burns is Scotland's most venerated poet.
6, He was a celebrated poet.
7, At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poetPlato 
8, at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
9, The poet recited some of her recent poems.
10, A poet is one who can convert ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing.
11, Every man is a poet when he is in love.
12, He is a lyric poet.
13, A poet sometimes falsifies accent.
14, The poet archaized her work with many Elizabethan words.
15, The poet has symbolized his lover with a flower.
16, He was a poet,[] an anarchist and a vegan.
17, She has serious limitations as a poet.
18, The old poet decried the mediocrity of today's writing.
19, She's more of a poet than a novelist.
20, He is a very underrated poet.
21, He was a poet of a sort.
22, No one today doubts Eliot's distinction as a poet.
23, Ben Okri is a Nigerian-born poet and novelist.
24, He was a painter and poet.
25, The poet is enamoured of beauty.
26, She wrote the perfect epitaph for the poet.
27, He was a poet and an ardent spiritualist.
28, Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet.
29, She is not only a novelist but also a poet.
30, The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.
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  • Guillermo 2023-02-28 14:32:03
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  • Maria 2023-02-24 13:06:03
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            ● .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            ●                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                    
  • una chica 2023-02-24 00:51:47
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  • Jose 2023-02-23 18:53:13
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  • Marcos 2023-02-23 14:00:33
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  • Leo 2023-02-23 13:57:30
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  • Leo 2023-02-22 13:57:42
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  • me 2023-02-15 20:19:10
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