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Newspaper in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+63Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: newspaper publishernewsprintpaperSimilar words: papernewsspacespatesparkrapetapeSpanishMeaning: ['nuːzpeɪpə(r) /'njuːs-]  n. 1. a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements 2. a business firm that publishes newspapers 3. the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher 4. cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers. 
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121. They read their daughter's allegations in the newspaper.
122. He sued the newspaper for defamation of character .
123. The newspaper is proper for young people.
124. The newspaper printed a retraction for their previous error.
125. Alexander Lazarus is a food critic for the newspaper.
126. He fashioned a hat for himself from/out of newspaper.
127. He managed to throw off those newspaper reporters.
128. The newspaper is published twice weekly.
129. Newspaper reports rarely get anyone's name right.
130. The newspaper received a huge post-bag of complaints.
131. The newspaper covers a broad spectrum of opinion.
132. Give us the newspaper,[] will you?
133. This newspaper is made of recycled paper.
134. I cut this article out of the newspaper.
135. He rakes the newspaper before breakfast every day.
136. She browsed through the newspaper while she waited.
137. The newspaper was directly challenging the government's legitimacy.
138. The newspaper was free from political bias.
139. This kind of newspaper is alternative press.
140. The newspaper gradually lost readers during the 1980s.
141. The first edition of the newspaper appeared in 1859.
142. He bought a copy from a newspaper vendor.
143. Are you through with that newspaper?
144. She opened the letter-box and slipped a newspaper through.
145. I heard of the job through a newspaper advertisement.
146. 'Ten shot dead by gunmen,' ran the newspaper headline.
147. He stopped and bought a newspaper.
148. I always buy a daily newspaper .
149. She writes for a national newspaper.
150. He rushed into the room flourishing the newspaper.
More similar words: papernewsspacespatesparkrapetapeSpanishHispanicgrapeagapelandscapein the shape of
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