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Network in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+16Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: electronic networkmeshmeshingmeshworknetwebSimilar words: workat workworksworkoutwork outworkerwork upwork offMeaning: [ˈnetwɜːk]  n. 1. an interconnected system of things or people 2. (broadcasting) a communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs 3. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals 4. a system of intersecting lines or channels 5. (electronics) a system of interconnected electronic components or circuits. v. communicate with and within a group. 
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151. MartinBanks A wireless network system throughout the home could be the answer to everyone's problems.
152. Companies such as Oracle are jumping on the bandwagon, too, with low-priced network computers.
153. A network of subsidized cargo barges and water taxis would be introduced on the city's canals to compensate.
154. This policy, however, created a need for commercial network providers to bypass the NSFNET backbone as much as possible.
155. Retraining of the network to adapt to changes in the operating environment requires only processing time and new data.
156. The network topology is such that new file-servers can be plugged in at any time should the need arise.
157. Bankers, applying traditional, time-honored management models, originally saw only automation in the ATM network, however.
158. Network structures and powerful small appliances allow data and computer resources to scatter throughout an enterprise.
159. Greater emphasis would be needed, as Watkinson proposed, on military intervention capability rather than on the existing network of colonial garrisons.
160. A distributed, decentralized network is more a process than a thing.
161. But, the importance still attached to traditional familial connections provided a readymade network for recruitment.
162. She followed him through a network of alleyways until he mistakenly darted into a cul-de-sac.
163. This was followed by final production advice and then the national network broadcast at 6 o'clock.
164. It is seen as an effective means of business communication where relevant staff have access to a computer network.
165. The network is to make a formal announcement Thursday morning.
166. These provide a network of public services complementing those provided by local authorities.
167. This means the network could learn continuously and adapt to changes over time.
168. The network architecture will be based around the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy standard.
168. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
169. Affiliation to the National Confederation will provide your group with access to a network of services and expertise.
170. Multiplayer games are also available, allowing viewers to compete against distant friends or relatives on the network.
171. Most of the Owners' Network listings are copied from newspaper and magazine advertisements collected by 30 free-lancers nationwide, Koch says.
172. The network has to cast a wide net for this talent.
173. It provides a coordinating linkage in an extensive network of community groups and activists, and furnishes them with a gathering place.
174. A national network television audience can judge for itself when the Suns visit the Lakers and attempt to break a two-game skid.
175. U S West also has its own cable network in Atlanta.
176. Their position in the whole network of assets will need to be considered and how the total capacity contributes to strategic success.
177. Since then the Docklands Light Railway has branched off the network to serve the redeemed areas of London's east river.
178. But if you keep your on-line appointments diary up to date, a calendar on the network can compare everyone's schedules.
179. Second, the old-boy network offered a time-honoured alternative to advertising, particularly for the most senior appointments.
180. The software allows users to access local and remote communication services on NetWare networks without being confined to a local area network.
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