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Mom in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+16Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: momentmomentumin a momentfor the momentat the momentat this momentMeaning: [mɒm]  n. informal terms for a mother. 
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181. When the psycho is caught, then let go on a technicality, Mom takes matters into her own hands.
182. I am driving my mom mad by asking if Fluffy is just bones yet.
183. Sources close to Bel say the tiny tot looks just like mom ... right down to the dark sunglasses.
184. You actually think I joined the army because Mom wore a see-through blouse to my high school graduation!
185. Mom and I are a lot closer now than we were when I was a teenager.
186. Mom shook off my help and tried the knapsack once again.
187. He gave me a toy coffin with an effigy of my mom inside it.
188. Mom spent most of the weekend cleaning up the house.
189. While the other tour members chatted and compared equipment Mom stood to one side, her face pale under the fluorescent lights.
190. I wished for my Mom to take care of me after minor surgery last year.
191. Like it or not,[] the soccer mom is everywhere and her influence is growing daily.
192. I kissed Mom on the cheek and said good night.
193. And if some one else was sick, my mom would go over there and clean and cook.
194. Mom also feels spurred on by the thought that someday Charlie will become aware of her career.
195. Mom gave us kids a weekly allowance if we kept our rooms clean.
196. Now it seems that Mom has her head in the medicine cabinet and divorce papers in her hand.
197. My mom cut it out and gave it to me.
198. Mom burst into tears as the minister pronounced us man and wife.
199. One day, Mom noticed him counting on his fingers under the desk.
200. First, Jack would not allow it, and second, I don't think Mom would like it much either.
201. How do I re-enter the job market after being a full-time mom?
202. On Thanksgiving, Mom always gets up at the crack of dawn to put the turkey into the oven.
203. Did you find any more ticks on him you know this is tick season, Mom.
204. But although I won an occasional battle, Mom won the war.
205. You've got a mom, a dad and a couple or three kids.
206. I wouldn't work with my mom, let alone my whole family.
207. They asked my mom questions, and then they gave me a chance to say something after all the stuff was done.
208. Mom dragged us to a Barry Manilow concert last night.
209. Were she on the World Wide Web, my mom would bookmark this page.
210. Since a failed bid for the 1992 team, she became a mom.
More similar words: momentmomentumin a momentfor the momentat the momentat this moment
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