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Moist in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+10Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dampdankhumidwaterywetSimilar words: moisturefoisthoistegoistcloisterboisterousmemoirturmoilMeaning: [mɔɪst]  adj. slightly wet. 
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121. Others, such as the Delphic Python, live in dark moist caves.
122. Beneath the overcast sky the air was hot and moist.
123. If mixture is too dry, add a little stock to keep it moist.
124. Bottles should be laid on their sides with the wine keeping the cork moist.
125. The inside is soft and moist, soaking up the butter.
126. Terrestrial amphibians respire through their skin and to do this must keep it moist with mucus.
127. In the moist warmth of the evening, she leant against the wall which encircled the Palazzo.
128. Therapsid fossil distribution also suggests a temperate, moist climate at higher palaeolatitudes in Pangea.
129. Torrents of love to make the grass grow, Persephone's moist breath in the rising corn.
130. They should be planted in moist soil that is high in organic content for best results.
131. A: Some cooks say that basting does nothing to ensure moist meat; others swear by it.
132. Sow in a moist, shady spot in summer to avoid early bolting.
133. Keep them moist in a warm greenhouse or a corner of the kitchen, for a steady supply of fresh sprigs.
134. The basic cakes need to be moist, tasty and firm, not only for eating but for cutting and shaping.
135. Pick the freshest corn you can; it should look moist with bright green husks.
135. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
136. Every time the phone rang Dyson's fingers became moist with sweat.
137. But now they're going back to their roots with a new Z car and I am moist with anticipation.
138. When you are ready, fly down to Earth; settle on the moist green banks of a running stream.
139. Line the container with damp moss to keep the atmosphere moist.
140. What it does require, however, is a moist soil rather than one that is very dry.
141. Parsley should have a deep, moist, fertile soil for ideal growth.
142. The mutant is clothed in moist sacking only, and his skin is covered in most places with thick green scales.
143. Use skimmed milk and an egg for making the mixture moist; add a little apple juice too if you like.
144. In general, ferns like organically enriched, moist but well-draining soil on the acid side.
145. The paint on the palette was still moist because he had kept it under water in a pan in the kitchen.
146. They can not breed without water, and their thin skins must be kept moist or they will dehydrate and die.
147. Savanna animals cool off with a kind of organic radiator by evaporating water from the moist linings of the nasal chambers.
148. As the climate gradually became cooler and more moist, humans again moved in, usually following river valleys.
149. Cooking Boiling Boiling is a method of moist heat cooking whereby the heat is transferred by conduction.
150. I found dried porcini mushrooms in the produce section of my market that were full-flavored and moist enough to chop.
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