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Marseille in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2018-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: marseillesmarseillaisereveilleabseiltake illarseparsesparseMeaning: n. 1. a port city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean 2. strong cotton fabric with a raised pattern; used for bedspreads. 
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31. The Reds know they need to beat Marseille in France on Tuesday night to guarantee progress into the knock-out stages of the competition.
32. The Biancocelesti reached the last stage of this mini - tournament after defeating Marseille 3 - 1 on Monday.
33. Marseille has always been the club which is famous for its gangs of ultras and its working class foundation and support.
34. The Marseille team we faced were very well-prepared tactically, with a coach like Raymond Goethals who was very similar to Arrigo Sacchi.
35. If soap is made from pure olive oil it may be called Castile soap or Marseille soap .
36. Bianconeri coach Didier Deschamps sees Malouda as an affordable alternative to Marseille wing ace Franck Ribery.
37. I spent oneand then got a move to the biggest club in France - Marseille.
38. Most of the plane's passengers had flown on a different Yemenia aircraft from Paris or Marseille before boarding flight IY626 in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen.
39. Besides a Bayern delegation , the Sheik also met representatives of Olympique Marseille and Benfica Lisbon.
40. On 23 February 2011, a turgid draw between Manchester United and Marseille was watched by 5.623m viewers, taking almost a quarter of the total UK TV audience.
41. Many European cities are already one-quarter Muslim: just take Amsterdam , Marseille and Malmo in Sweden .
42. Jaabiri, whose father is Tunisian and whose mother is Spanish - speaks five languages and is a mirror of multi-ethnic Marseille.
43. A city of southeast France on the Mediterranean Sea east-southeast of Marseille.
43. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
44. On New Year's Eve, a pastel by Edgar Degas disappeared from the Cantini museum in Marseille, also in the south of France.
45. Marseille will not stand in the way of captain Lorik Cana if the midfielder decides to leave the Stade Velodrome.
46. They played in Madrid ( 2008 ), Australian Open ( 2008 ) and Marseille ( 2006 ) - All hard court events.
47. Fowler takes over the shirt from Djibril Cisse following the Frenchman's move to Marseille.
48. Zidane was born into a 17 rough neighborhood in Marseille.
49. It is believed the girl lives in Marseille and was travelling with her mother to the Comoros.
50. Yoel Forterre, a Marseille University researcher who is an expert on the biomechanics of plants, told Discovery News that the latest findings about Utricularia are "great and impressive."
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