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Maritime in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+2Posted:2017-03-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: marinenauticalSimilar words: mark timemaritalfrom time to timeapparitiongood samaritantimetime outin timeMeaning: ['mærɪtaɪm]  adj. 1. relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen 2. bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea. 
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91. But the statutory law and international conventions, as well as China, consider the compulsory measure on ship as a kind of maritime property saving.
92. The establishment of adjudicatory apparatus and administrative offices of the maritime courts shall be decided by the Supreme People's Court.
93. This paper makes a systematic study on the actual carrier on the basis of the provisions of the Hamburg Rules and Chinese Maritime Code by means of comparative law and construction of law.
94. "Operating Agreement" means the Operating Agreement on the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT), including its Annex.
95. Somali pirates seized a British-flagged chemical tanker and a cargo vessel late Monday, underlining the continued risk to shipping in some of the world's busiest maritime trade routes.
96. Greenwich also home to the famous the Cutty Sark and the national Maritime Museum.
97. When Western maritime countries generally accepted the idea of territorial waters, the understanding of territory of the ocean in China was very thin.
98. In Junge 's classification maritime particles are composed entirely of hygroscopic material.
99. Tadao Ando envisions the Maritime Museum as a buildingbothelegant and simple.
100. We are the maritime affair bureau assign to dump pollutants the company.
101. The International Maritime Organization, for example, has overseen the tightening of regulations on oil transportation.
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102. The procedure of the research subject strictly meet the standards in navigation simulation which is described by international maritime organization(IMO)STCW international convention .
103. Walterfang hires Mike Flecker, an Australian maritime archaeologist, to manage the excavation. The whole vessel was buried.
104. The latter part makes a quantitative analysis by using the statistics of Maritime Custom trade.
105. SafetyNET is a maritime safety information broadcast service offering for ships.
106. Under the contract, Lockheed Martin will design, produce and install the new AN/USQ-78(V) Acoustic Subsystem for the P-3C Orion maritime surveillance aircraft.
107. Chapter Seven, Give a conclusion about the traditional maritime administration in ancient China.
108. In China, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and Maritime Arbitration Commission are permanent arbitration organizations.
109. The second part concerning the construction conditions of limitation of liability for maritime claims is the focal point.
110. The Boy Scouts of America are auctioning off a 101-year-old wooden tall ship, once used to teach sailing techniques and maritime history[], because it needs costly repairs.
111. Whole area belongs to the maritime climate of gentle moisture.
112. Good relationship with Shanghai port authority, The Custom terminals, MSA ( Maritime Safety Administration ), depot etc.
113. This aims to overhaul the existing international maritime liability conventions, including Hague, Hague - Visby and Hamburg Rules.
114. Cangnan is in the sub - tropical maritime monsoon climate zone.
115. Kim said one North Korean artillery shell is believed to have fallen south of the maritime line, citing a preliminary analysis of the trajectory of the shell.
116. With the Madeira Islands and Cape Verde Islands, as is the Portuguese Azores dynasty Aziz, Prince Henry the Navigator, under the leadership of the great maritime expedition was found.
117. Consistent with customary international law, legitimate claims to maritime space in the South China Sea should be derived solely from legitimate claims to land features.
118. We stand ready to increase maritime connectivity with ASEAN and strengthen cooperation in sea transportation, maritime affairs and ports.
119. Maritime refrigerated container is known as a moving refrigeratory at sea in the cold chain.
120. The application shall specify the name of the ship, the facts of and reasons for applying for publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens.
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