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Laundry in a sentence

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Sentence count:198+9Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: washwashableswashingSimilar words: launchhundredround and rounddry upauntlaugh atsyndromejauntilyMeaning: ['lɔːndrɪ]  n. 1. garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering 2. workplace where clothes are washed and ironed. 
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151. A short stint in the Moderate Security Ward of the Coco District Penetentiary ended when they conned their ways aboard a laundry speeder.
152. From on-site laundry service to made-to-order sushi, the following companies offer their employees some serious perks.
153. Learn the easiest way to fold long underwear and socks to minimize wrinkles and take up less room in drawer with expert advice in this free instructional video about folding laundry.
154. You can get your laundry back earlier, but there is an extra charge fora quick service.
155. As for astronauts and their laundry, "they can wash clothing with soap and rinse it out with a water - bag system and let it air-dry , " Jones states.
156. Just put your laundry in the plastic bag in the bath-room. I'll pick it up after I make the bed every morning.
157. A coagulating experiment on laundry wastewater in China is carried out, showing that coagulation treatment method can meet the request of recycling of laundry wastewater.
158. The special package includes 25% off the best available rate, of any room category, when guests stay 2 nights or more, as well as 25% off breakfast, 25% off laundry and 25% off in-room internet.
159. She chats with a neighbor hanging laundry on one of the poles that festoon the lane, while a man, still in pajamas, waters his plants.
160. They created a touchy-feely work environment with perks like onsite laundry facilities and free food.
161. For all the users of laundry machines and spin dryers, please don't all of your laundry in single laundry bag and put in a laundry machines or a spin dryer.
162. Once on a large washday she saw twelve men's shirts in the laundry and asked her mother[], "Whose are these twelve shirts?
163. A new oscillographic titration method for the determination of phosphorus content in laundry powder is described.
164. As I realized that the work was drawing to a close, I thought up more jobs for him: a spice rack in the kitchen, towel rails in the laundry room.
165. LAUNDRY TIP: The permanent-press cycle on your washer uses more water than the regular cycle.
166. Washerwoman: Marriage is the most expensive way to get your laundry free.
167. I used my card and detergent to pay for another person's laundry.
168. WE EMERGE into the prison laundry past a guard, WIDENING for a final view of the line. The giant steel " mangler " is slapping down in brutal rhythm. The sound is deafening.
169. So, I got the largest basket in my house, a wide laundry basket I bought at Cost Plus and filled it with his unwrapped presents.
170. There are 24, 124 dry-cleaning and non-coin-operated laundry establishments in the U.S., according to the Census Bureau.
171. Carmen Elcira was 16 years old, sitting in a laundry room in Punta Paitilla, and drinking her fifth Shirley Temple of the evening.
172. Give your laundry a little TLC. Use mesh bags to keep lingerie from snagging and good soap to prevent fine washables from fading.
172. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
173. Just a lot of hard work and good old-fashioned business practices to provide our customers with quality laundry and dry cleaning services at the lowest possible price.
174. Unless you live in a developed city, you do your laundry by hand, and no matter where you live, you hang it out to dry.
175. Find out where they do their laundry. Spatter all their button-down shirts with dark red dye.
176. Dawson drew up her list after a poll for laundry experts Beckmann found almost three quarters of women now opt for "nude" underwear - which means they have "nothing to hide".
177. The scullery maids fell asleep over the washing up. The laundry maid fell asleep while they dusted, polished and prepared for the party.
178. Nozzle Pouch-Jelly, Juice, Laundry liquid, Bathing dew, Face-cream, Mask and so on.
179. When the husband stays home to cook meals, clean, do the laundry and so forth, he is called a househusband.
180. Oh, we have a barber shop, a laundry , a store, post and telegram services, a billiard room, a fitness room, a massage room, a Karaokay hall and so on.
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