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Lace in a sentence

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Sentence count:288+15Posted:2017-06-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: braidenlaceentwinefortifyinterlaceintertwinelace uplacingplaitspiketwineSimilar words: placeglacelacedpalacesolacereplacein placeplaceboMeaning: [leɪs]  n. 1. a cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges (as of a shoe or garment) 2. a delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns. v. 1. spin or twist together so as to form a cord 2. make by braiding or interlacing 3. do lacework 4. draw through eyes or holes 5. add alcohol to (beverages). 
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91. Also, an alternate needle pattern produces beautiful mash lace very easily.
92. That means gold lace, two epaulettes with gold bullion on each and blue cushions.
93. Their pretty lace design is repeated on the side tables, lamps and blanket box.
94. There was the big brass bed with its snowy white sheets, its marshmallow pillows and top-cover of fringed ivory lace.
95. She chose a short black lace suit, tight-fitted with a scoop neckline.
95. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
96. The newest styles hark back to the Seventies; wedge-soled styles which lace up the leg.
97. Now he has her wanting to learn how to tat lace.
98. One had a kind of bunched white nightcap, in white dimity edged with lace.
99. Complete the lace message - pull the selected lever and move the lace carriage to the right.
100. She wiped her eyes with a lace handkerchief and he caught the drift of her exotic scent.
101. In 1889 he left the lace business in search of larger fortunes and set up as a stockbroker in Nottingham.
102. You will then be supplied with a lace carriage tuned to that machine.
103. The format of the bed should be lace carriage at the left and main carriage at the right before selecting needles.
104. She closed her eyes and let her fingers burrow through the tissue paper until she felt the lace of the collar.
105. You might imagine that returning the lace carriage to the left will affect the previous transference, but this is not so.
106. They advise that if you want to knit lace you buy the lace carriage with the machine.
107. She wears a white childlike party frock, edged with lace, stiffened with gauze, decorated with flounces and bows.
108. The main lace carriage is on the right and the lace carriage is on the left.
109. Knit two rows as shown by the curved arrow then select the needles and move the lace carriage to the right.
110. I only wish Daddy could have seen me in the black lace dress.
111. They drew near the bed and stared down at the boy who lay there sleeping in its drifts of tumbling lace.
112. Proud owners carrying their birds in beautiful brandy bottle-shaped cages, decorated with fine lace covers to shade the birds.
113. The Prime Minister belched into a lace handkerchief and began speaking over the slow chanting of his name.
114. By 1865, over 130 lace making factories were producing this delicate fabric on machines powered by the abundance of local coal.
115. The lace carriage is going to transfer the selected stitches and the main carriage is going to knit them.
116. Those early cards were works of art, elaborately painted and trimmed with lace, jewels, feathers, seashells and tassels.
117. Straight arrows show in which direction to move the lace carriage.
118. I open my eyes to a world clothed in the exquisite lace of hoarfrost.
119. Not all lace was quite so decorative; that provided by Dottridge Brothers in 1922 was really rather crude.
120. Beside us the lace curtains bellied in with a faint breeze, then hung inert.
More similar words: placeglacelacedpalacesolacereplacein placeplacebopopulacedisplaceplacentanecklacelaceratemisplaceshoelacemisplacedblackfacelaceratedin place ofplacentalout of placetake placeplacementworkplaceholy placecomplacentcommonplacecomplacencyinterlacedplaceholder
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