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Intima in a sentence

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Sentence count:34Posted:2019-07-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: intimateintimacyintimatelyintimationbe intimatepoint in timeantimatterlatent imageMeaning: n. the innermost membrane of an organ (especially the inner lining of an artery or vein or lymphatic vessel). 
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1. Methods Cells derived from rabbit hyperplastic intima after arterial intima injury were cultured.
2. When the intima of a blood vessel is disrupted, as happens after a cut or the rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque, subendothelial collagen and von Willebrand factor are exposed to circulating blood.
3. Objective : To investigate the mechanism of intima hyperplasia after balloon injury of a vessel.
4. The thickness and the ratio of intima area of the iliofemoral artery of the injured hind limb were decreased, while the stenosis extent was improved.
5. The area of plaques and intima media thickness in CHD group were thinner after treatment of pravastatin.
6. The carotid intima - media thickness ( IMT ) refers to the vertical dimension between carotid intima and media.
7. Intima - media thickness of the common carotid arteries did not correlate with any of the outcome parameters.
8. Results Before and after the stress test, the intima rotation movement occurred at the majority of the short-axis sections of the plaque and the nearby reference segments during cardiac cycle.
9. Methods Determine the intima media thickness ( IMT ) of car otid artery in cerebral infarction patiens and control.
10. It should clean the tunica intima of cyst, not injury debouch of pancreas, and ensure unobstructed pancreatic fluid flowing.
11. Could this drug effect vascular intima thickness? Is there any direct evidence?
12. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Carotid Intima - media Thickness: Quantity or Quality?
13. The traditional method for tracing intima and adventitia curves is manual measurement performed by experienced physicians.
14. The carotid intima - media wall thickness ( IMT ), crouse score and plaque incidence were measured.
15. Conclusion: Injuring the intima by dilatalting the carotid artery with larger sacculus plus high lipid diet can successfully establish carotid artery atherosclerotic stenosis model in mini-swine.
16. Intima - media thickness, inner diameter,[] plaque occurrence and Crouse score of these arteries were calculated.
17. Objective; To observe the intima ultrastructure of middle cerebral artery in hypertensive rats.
18. A thickened carotid intima - media layer is a surrogate marker for heart attack and stroke.
19. The aorta above the valve displays a smooth intima with no atherosclerosis.
20. Results A newly found specific phenomenon in 10 cases that the fungi went throughout the adventitia, media and up to the intima of thick wall vasculum, and then fungous thrombosis might be formed.
21. "It is plausible that the shorter duration of lamotrigine monotherapy may be a contributing factor for its lack of effect on common carotid artery intima media thickness, " they explain.
21. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
22. A single layer of cells called the endothelium lines the walls of every blood vessel in the body. Along with a layer of elastic tissue, the endothelium comprises what is called the intima.
23. Sudden deceleration may also result in shearing injury to the intima of the aorta.
24. Conclusion Asiaticoside has an accelerating action on vas endothelial cell growth and tunica intima restoration. It is effective in the prevention of restenosis after PCI.
25. Xianggui pill can restrain significantly the growth of allotopia intima tissue, and has apparently adjustment to the cytokine.
26. The gland wall is a continuation of the carotid wall and consists of intima ultima.
27. Objective To investigate if atorvastatin is effective in reducing carotid intima media thickness (CA-IMT) in normocholesterolaemic patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA).
28. Conclusion: Xianggui pill can restrain significantly the growth of allotopia intima tissue, and has apparently adjustment to the cytokine.
29. Results: E - Selectin expression could be detected on tunica intima, and had dose - response with increasing of stain.
30. Conclusion The imbalance of plasma redox status deviating to oxidation might be implicated in oxidized injury of lipid, intima thickening and atherosclerosis progress.
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