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Intestinal in a sentence

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Sentence count:295Posted:2017-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: enteralentericSimilar words: gastrointestinalintestinesmall intestinelarge intestineinterestinginterestinglyuninterestinghave interest inMeaning: [ɪn'testɪnl]  adj. of or relating to or inside the intestines. 
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181. Blood sugar imbalances, appetite suppression, intestinal irritation, reduces serum cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein levels, binds toxins and carries them out of the body.
182. Taenia solium are only human intestinal parasitic in the first half-and the source of infection is with the measles disease pork, cysticercosis is afflicted, Rhabdomyosarcoma animal or the brain.
183. They had never been found elsewhere but in the intestinal epithelium and this phenomenon supports the theory that EC cells are derived from endoderm.
184. Conclusion Applying double cavitas gastric tuber will improve the recovery of gastric intestinal function, reduce the retain time of gastric tuber, and reduce the patient's suffering.
185. Widespread outbreaks of intestinal disease are so rare that the commensal bacteria face little danger of extermination.
186. It is to observe the effect of Morchella esculenta on the small intestinal movement of rats.
187. Results Neostigmine can contract the intestinal muscle convulsively,( shrink the blood vessel and dark the blood color.
188. Objective To explore the etiopathology of liver, stomach, and intestinal cancer.
189. Methods The immunohistochemical method(SP) was used to assay the expression of MUC1, MUC2 and MUC5AC in 40 large intestinal mucoid adenocarcinoma.
190. Objective To study the effect of zinc excess (ZE) on mucous secretion of intestinal mucosa and its mechanism in rats.
191. Objective : To compare the antibacterial effects of Huangqin Tang with its metabolites produced by intestinal flora.
192. Is operation of adhesion sex intestinal obstruction put in dangerous sex.
193. Apply the small intestinal movement experiments with charcoal powder in healthy mice, neostigminetrested mice and mice with adrenaline.
194. Conclusion The selective intestinal decontamination and the intestinal feeding in the early stage can effectively reduced the rate of enterogenous infection.
195. Is the premalignant lesion to be detected the readily recognized intestinal metaplasia or the more difficult to detect dysplasia?
196. The enterobacteria is the main pathogenic bacterium in intestinal infections.
197. To reduce the operation rate of the patients who suffered from the intestinal obstruction.
198. Effect such as brain tumor , cervical cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the stomach, neuroblastoma intestinal cancer.
199. The study is aimed at investigating the effects of cysteamine on the structure of intestinal mucous and non-specific immunity.
200. Methods The model was established by bilateral general cervical artery ligation mice intestinal motion rate, peptic acid secretion and the activity of pepsin were detected.
201. Objective : To assess the diagnostic value and safety of push enteroscopy in intestinal diseases.
202. Chronic idiopathic pseudointestinal obstruction is an uncommon syndrome which is characterized by manifestation of chronic intestinal obstruction. 3 cases by enteroclysis were reported.
203. RESULT The water extract of stir-baked Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae at the location of dichlormethane had better effect in inhibiting mice gastric emptying and intestinal propelling than the crude drug.
204. AIM: To investigate the role of staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) in early intestinal injury in scald rats with Staphylococcus aureus sepsis.
205. Methods Intestinal perforation occurred in air reduction of 8 cases were analysed.
206. Objective To introduce the pattern of intestinal parasites infection in Guyana, South America.
207. To assess the value valtrac ring used for intestinal anastomoses.
208. Another example of cystitis glandularis intestinal type ( intestinal metaplasia ) .
209. Ulcerative colitis ( UC ) is characterized by a chronic relapsing intestinal inflammation . The causes of UC are unknown.
210. The central cavity of the gastrula, which ultimately becomes the intestinal or digestive cavity.
More similar words: gastrointestinalintestinesmall intestinelarge intestineinterestinginterestinglyuninterestinghave interest inuninterestinglytake an interest innominal interest ratetestingintestateattestingprotestingtesting timetesting groundmediastinaldestinationpredestinatepredestinationin the final analysiscontesttestifytestilyvested interestmanifest destinyin the interest ofunstintingcontested
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