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Interpreting in a sentence

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Sentence count:158+1Posted:2017-04-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: interpretinterpretermisinterpretinterpretationenterprisinginterestingenterpriseinterrogatingMeaning: [ɪn'tɜrprɪt /-'tɜːp-]  n. an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious. 
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31. I am now going to offer you five ways of interpreting the cross.
32. He thereby pays less attention than he might to interpreting the science of art as a cultural phenomenon.
33. The experiment illustrates how careful you have to be when interpreting results.
34. Interpreting is limited to the oral skills and implies that the translation is being done by a professional linguist.
35. In interpreting statutes, additional words should not be implied or introduced when the plain and natural meaning is clear.
36. In the latter case the hardware may provide some assistance in interpreting the extracode.
37. Some specialize in forensic accounting investigating and interpreting bankruptcies and other complex financial transactions.
38. The conceptual problem is that of interpreting the effects of localized stimulation in a system that probably deals with patterns of input.
39. The administrators are also responsible for interpreting and applying many public policies that set guidelines for the behavior of individuals or groups.
40. A number of authoritative scholars seriously question the propriety of interpreting prehistoric remains by reference to the customs of modern primitive peoples.
41. And it does so in syntax which calls for quite a feat of structuring and interpreting.
42. Interpreting the new rules could prove a very difficult task in a political culture where the limits of secrecy are never defined.
43. The difficulties of interpreting the law are shown by a number of cases that have arisen.
44. The long-wave framework, therefore, has considerable appeal for interpreting modern structural change.
45. Volatile and unpredictable exchange rates result in difficulties in interpreting the market's signals.
46. Hydrogeochemical maps are being developed as an aid to interpreting environmental problems such as acidification and agricultural and mining pollution.
47. The briefing sheet also provides help in interpreting the data.
48. However, even when this is achieved[], there may still be problems in interpreting what this information means.
49. This experiment showed how important learning can be in interpreting a signal.
50. The problems of interpreting perinatal mortality rates have been described by Campbell and MacDonald Davies and Tew.
51. There are two main ways of interpreting them and these will be discussed below.
52. The problems they encounter in creating and interpreting them are as sophisticated and as complex as they come.
53. The rules do not prevent the use of extrinsic evidence in interpreting genuine ambiguities in the words of the contract.
54. An option in one language includes an introduction to specialist translation, machine translation techniques and interpreting.
55. The model may be the context for interpreting the clause,( but the interpretation need not be a full one.
56. This would involve interpreting loss in terms other than pecuniary, for example, in terms of loss of reputation or market standing.
57. There must always be a danger in interpreting an ambiguous text.
58. Several potential limitations should be considered in interpreting the results of this study.
59. Although so far no one has succeeded in interpreting the Etruscan language we can fully appreciate their sculpture, painting and craftsmanship.
60. The press was at first unhelpful in either explaining or interpreting the events.
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