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Informatization in a sentence

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Sentence count:36Posted:2024-05-17Updated:2024-05-17
Similar words: pragmatic informationlocation informationinformationpresentation of informationdissemination of informationinformationalnew informationstatistical information
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31. This paper will discuss the effects of informatization on accounting practice in the light of accounting information disclosure, accounting organization and accounting function etc.
32. In order to implement leaping development and quicken tempo of China railway informatization , it was built thee-Business Web station of Shenyang Railway Administration .
33. In 1, the company human resources informatization overall planning and project promotion; the overall human resource flow control and comb has very rich experience.
34. MES is an important part of enterprise informatization, it fills the communication gap between the manufacturing planning system and the control systems used to run equipment on the shop floor.
35. At this late hour, all trades and professions the value that cognizant builds to informatization.
36. New progresses have been made on technical innovation on land and resources; breakthroughs have been obtained on key technology study and development. Informatization has stridden onto a new step.
More similar words: pragmatic informationlocation informationinformationpresentation of informationdissemination of informationinformationalnew informationstatistical informationdisinformationinformation agemap informationmisinformationfor your informationinformation flowinformation bankunit informationinformation rateinformation deskoptional informationinformation mediaprior informationdepth informationcommand informationinformation warfareinformation theorytotal informationshape informationproduction informationsomatizationdramatization
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