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Informatization in a sentence

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Sentence count:36Posted:2024-05-17Updated:2024-05-17
Similar words: pragmatic informationlocation informationinformationpresentation of informationdissemination of informationinformationalnew informationstatistical information
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1. ZM Company takes many efforts on performance management informatization.
2. And Shanxi's hydrographic water resources informatization construction faces many chances and challenges.
3. Hardware facility as an indicator of informatization measurement has its theoretical basis and significance.
4. In the development of society informatization and network information service, the network-based information resource management technical impetus are the important factors.
5. Because of various reasons, the informatization of beauty culture lags.
6. The informatization of enterprise and individual and network defray, inevitable meeting is cut down greatly.
7. Analytic informatization construction sheds line of business in content developing importance.
8. With the increasing of military mechanisation and informatization, the military software has become indispensable component of weapon system and been widely used in the military affairs.
9. About agricultural informatization construction, there is an overall planning in the ministry.
10. The tide of network informatization is like boundless ocean nowadays, surfy , unbroken endlessly.
11. With the development of the railway informatization, plentiful data has collected and stored in the freight bill information system which acts as the sub-system of the railway information system.
12. Informatization is a great change of human's social activities, and the technical basis of this change is just the change to information processing, storage and the use and transmittal mode.
13. Based on the characteristics of SMPEs, this paper analyses its informatization obstacles, correspondingly evadable method, further more, presents the informatization strategy of SMPEs.
14. SIS has become one of the key projects plant informatization.
15. Because of the weightiness and particularity of governmental information, the progress of the national and social informatization is determined by the standard of government informatization .
15. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
16. The second part: Research on the Theories and Process Mode of Chemistry Informatization Instruction Design.
17. Through indefatigable effort, france had gained delectable success in informatization respect.
18. Informatization Planning is an important precondition of actualizing Business Informatization successfully.
19. All these appears adumbrative " the spring of manufacturing industry informatization came! "
20. Mechanotronics is the direction of modem automobile development, which consists of intelligence, automatization and informatization.
21. The success of Finance customer management system have forcefully driven the administrative informatization of Chinese postal service and provides the data for the managerial decision-making.
22. The protection that enters a life period be about to end, nicotian enterprise should quicken the pace that informatization builds, meet a challenge with brand-new appearance.
23. Computer aided Process Plan (CAPP) is an important part in the informatization of enterprise as the process data it generates supports greatly to the company's production activity.
24. In conjunction with the characteristics of NBS Survey Office in Hunan, the article uses AHP to build up an analytic hierarchy model for decision-making in Hunan SO informatization.
25. The centralized management, dynamic maintenance and updating, and sharing of the spatial data of land resource has always been the nodus of the land resource management informatization.
26. It was achieve warehousing, stock and deliver from godown unify , help enterprise realize product informatization supervise to into that these system object.
27. Modern warfare requires more and more for electronization and informatization of equipments.
28. Firstly, the paper introduced relevant theorization about Small and Medium - sized Enterprises and enterprise's informatization. "
29. There comes the reality that "emphasis on the facilities, brush aside the information resources "in the community informatization.
30. The system standardizes the management of plaininvoice in tax authorities; informatization of the management of plain invoice wasrealized.
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