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Inferior colliculus in a sentence

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Sentence count:14Posted:2023-01-10Updated:2023-01-10
Similar words: superior colliculusinferior courtcolliculusinferiorinferiorlyinferioritybe inferior toinferior goodsMeaning: n. an essential auditory center in the midbrain. 
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1 The posterior group supplies the superior and inferior colliculus.
2 In the central nucleus of inferior colliculus, SPR positive fibers, endings and neurons were also found, but the number of positive neurons was fewer.
3 Objective To determine the effect ofinfrasound on inferior colliculus .
4 There are neurons projection to inferior colliculus in medial and lateral system of SOC.
5 However, the inferior colliculus and cerebellum were resistant to repeated cerebral ischemia,[] whereas the cumulative damage was more markedly in the hippocampus and ventral thalamus.
6 The response in inferior colliculus to low frequency electrical stimulation in cochlea showed phase locking.
7 The inferior colliculus (IC), as an important nucleus of auditory midbrain, is crucial for sound localization.
8 A mathematical model of interaural-level-difference detection in auditory neurons in the frog inferior colliculus was established in this paper.
9 It's believed that the GABAergic inhibition is involved in forward masking induced by weak white noise on the inferior colliculus.
10 Conclusion There existed neural stem cells in mice nucleus of inferior colliculus area.
11 Objective To explore a proper recording of the unit discharge in auditory nerve and inferior colliculus for the observation of characteristics of response potential.
12 The temporal features of interaction between excitatory and inhibitory input from both lower and higher auditory nuclei to inferior colliculus(IC) shape their responses to complex sound.
13 Conclusion The phase-locking and the latency in the subdivisions of the inferior colliculus are different.
14 We studied the echolocation calls and acoustic response properties in the inferior colliculus of the least horseshoe bat Rhinolophus pusillus.
More similar words: superior colliculusinferior courtcolliculusinferiorinferiorlyinferioritybe inferior toinferior goodsinferior qualityinferior vena cavainferiority complexcanaliculussuperior courtjunior collegefollicularfolliculitisfuniculusfasciculusventriculusproventriculuspellicularborder colliedifferential calculuscollection periodanterior cerebral arteryoculusmusculuscalculussacculusreticulum
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