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Calculus in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-05-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: calculatecalculatorcalculatedcalculatingcalculationmiscalculatemiscalculationtalcumMeaning: ['kælkjʊləs]  n. 1. a hard lump produced by the concretion of mineral salts; found in hollow organs or ducts of the body 2. an incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums 3. the branch of mathematics that is concerned with limits and with the differentiation and integration of functions. 
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1. After studying differential calculus you will be able to solve these mathematical problems.
2. I'm specializing in differential and integral calculus.
3. I think I've finally unzipped this calculus problem.
4. She's learning calculus in math class.
5. He will get on to calculus as he keeps on working at it.
6. Dan's worried he won't pass calculus.
7. Calculus was always beyond me.
8. The Class of 2000 hits the books: calculus, chemistry, leadership courses.
9. Treated as an instance of the Utilitarian calculus, the whole increasingly complicated operation would no doubt be quite unreal.
10. But without using calculus one can not show its elegance.
11. Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming.
12. Other subjects - like calculus or computing - can not be learned without some conscious effort.
13. The differential calculus basic concept is a derivative.
14. Mathematics 1A is a traditional first-year pure mathematics course covering calculus, analysis and algebra.
15. As a National Merit finalist, with her Virgil and calculus and swim-ming championships, Celestine had her choice of colleges.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. One is usually wary of text books which avoid the use of calculus.
17. Statistical analysis of data requires an understanding of basic four-figure maths, algebra, probability theory, and calculus.
18. To split up work into its components mirrored the intellectual tradition of calculus.
19. The package is designed to solve, through symbolic manipulation, problems in differential calculus.
20. Some composers today don t even understand the simple calculus,[] he said.
21. We now look at the relational algebra and the relational calculus in more detail.
22. Neither the farmers nor their animals count in the calculus of free trade.
23. In order to achieve all this, Newton had to develop many mathematical techniques-in addition to differential calculus.
24. And his thought was very fruitful: fore-shadowing differential and integral calculus, he put forward the useful idea of a limit.
25. Very rapidly and the plaque mixes with saliva and hardens to form a yellow deposit called calculus.
26. The oral hygiene index was calculated as the sum of the debris and calculus indices.
27. Most students need probability and statistics more than they need calculus.
28. Red has four finals in four days: physics, chemistry, organic chemistry and calculus.
29. But Taylor worked six days a week at Midvale and studied chemistry and calculus on the side.
30. Several fundamental aspects of statistics and a few explanations on integral calculus nomenclature are added with three Appendices.
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