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Ho in a sentence

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Sentence count:174+1Posted:2017-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: [həʊ]  n. a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; occurs together with yttrium; forms highly magnetic compounds. 
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151. HO CO cGMP system may play an important role in the pathogenesis of hypoxia ischemia brain disease.
152. La mia passione, sempre, dalla prima volta che ho toccato un pallone.
153. Camera Press Heigh - ho, heigh - ho, it's off to do our bit for China's economy we go.
154. Do you remember meeting Hye Ji or ll Ho the day before they died?
155. Phan Van Khai, a 63-year-old Russian-trained economist from near Ho Chi Minh City[], was named prime minister.
156. ' Fifteen men on the dead man's chest - Yo - ho - ho, and a bottle of rum!
157. Ho , Zion! Escape, you who dwell with the daughter of Babylon.
158. CAPULET: What noise is this? Give me my long sword, ho!
159. Melco CEO Lawrence Ho, son of Macau gambling tycoon Stanley Ho, dismissed the Sterne Agee report as "total nonsense," according to the Sydney Morning Herald, citing an analyst call.
160. The Western Sea of Korea has suffered from The Hwang Ho (the longest China's river) polluted by sewage.
161. HO · may be an important factor to cause photochemical decolorization of congo red.
162. Thanks to Ho Fai for pointing out the difference between greenshank and Nordmann's greenshank.
163. The fe of Sparta ng Menelaus ho as abducted by Pars and proved the Trojan ar.
164. The afterglow so brilliantly aflame ,( ho ; the seagulls fluttering so carefree.
165. The Grand Lisboa is the new flagship of Stanley Ho, the legendary 85-year-old billionaire who held a monopoly on gambling in Macau for 40 years until 2002.
166. Truong Dai hoc Tong hop Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh : Ho Chi Minh city.
167. Recruited by the CIA, these mountain tribesmen from Laos rescued downed American pilots and cut off the Ho Chi Minh Trail, the enemy's main supply route between North and South Vietnam.
168. In the cloud computing space, Wagner cited the Mozilla Bespin project, providing an online code editor, and the virtual computer, offering a desktop editor in the cloud, as advancements.
169. Objective To investigate the expression and changes of activity of heme oxygenase 1 (HO 1) in the kidney of the rats with chronic renal failure (CRF) and their effects on the renal pathology.
170. The head ho points him into the direction of a fat brunette.
171. India has its own great-power ambitions and Japan is concerned that "its influence in the region will wane, " Mr. Ho explains.
172. A shy Min Ho answered the questions with a safe and short answer. All along, he maintained a shy smile, which is very different from his Goo Joon Pyo image.
173. The Gung Ho Education started as with the ICM as quite an important job.
174. Ho Ying - chin had been the Kuomintang's chief of the general staff and minister of national defence.
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