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Hermes in a sentence

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Sentence count:47Posted:2017-06-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fishermenhermeticfermentpermeateavermentpermeatedpermeabledefermentMeaning: n. (Greek mythology) messenger and herald of the gods; god of commerce and cunning and invention and theft; identified with Roman Mercury. 
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1. Hermes or Ermenegildo Zegna were dotted with cigarette burns.
2. The Caduceus of Hermes, symbol of the medical profession.
3. Hermes found the two sitting side by side, Persephone shrinking away, reluctant because she longed for her mother.
4. Hermes cantered slowly but Tessa, Nora's filly, was close to a gallop.
5. The wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus was inscribed on emerald tablets.
6. Or so predicts Hermes, one of the City's most powerful institutions with more than £50 billion to spend.
7. Hermes warned him that if he persisted in his stubborn silence, he should suffer still more terrible things.
8. HERMES believes that the customers'needs are vitally important.
9. Argus asked Hermes to play his pipes again.
10. So Hermes then brought her Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus.
11. So Hermes them messenger brought her to Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus.
12. Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maia who is one of the Pleiades.
13. Hermes was their psychopomp.
14. Finally, as Hermes was telling his story, Argus began to sleep.
15. Hermes as an inventor of fire is a parallel of the Titan, Prometheus.
16. In due time Hermes was appointed messenger of Zeus and the gods.
17. Hermes thought for a while, and at last began to tell him a long story.
18. Luxury designers Christian Dior and Hermes like the idea and have added the high-quality French-made berets to their collections - hoping women not just in Paris but Tokyo and New York will buy them.
19. Unable so unhappy [], Zeus sent Hermes down to destroy the monster.
20. The Hermes, as these statues were called, were as sacred.
21. In other words, if you're Hermes or LVMH, you're going to do better in the coming months than Burberry or Coach.
22. Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon , Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the brothers with them.
23. It was hotly argued that the cameras zoomed in more often on his Gucci loafers and Hermes ties than on the buildings.
24. Lev Arris has no memory after his spaceship crashes on the planet Hermes.
25. Apparently she has been working her magic outside the magical world of hermes scarf.
26. The talaria, as the winged sandals were known, were generously lent by Hermes to one of the first Greek mythological heroes, Perseus.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. Baucis:a peasant woman of Phrygia who together with her husband Philemon received with great hospitality Zeus and Hermes disguised as men.
28. Hermes and Hestia were each homely and understood one another, and were somewhat good friends, until Hermes proposed to Hestia .
29. Ironically, despite the inappropriateness of his symbol in medicine, Hermes did play a small role in the origin of the true symbol of the physician.
30. The device entry in Listing 1 states that the orinoco_cs driver consists of three kernel modules: orinoco, orinoco_cs, and hermes.
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