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Handle in a sentence

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Sentence count:245+50Posted:2017-01-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: carry ondeal indirectfeelfingergovernmanagemanipulateregulateruntouchtrade inuseSimilar words: handlebarbundleendlessswindlea bundle ofhand in handfriendlyby and largeMeaning: ['hændl]  n. the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it. v. 1. be in charge of, act on, or dispose of 2. interact in a certain way 3. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression 4. touch, lift, or hold with the hands 5. handle effectively 6. show and train. 
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151. I didn't know if I'd be able to handle such a large vehicle.
152. He refused to allow his secretary to handle confidential letters.
153. Riders have to learn to handle their machines in all conditions.
154. His defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could get a handle on it.
155. Scientists should be literate and articulate as well as able to handle figures.
156. I don't beat myself up. I don't deal with things I can't handle.
157. He pulled at the door handle until it came away in his hands.
158. He has assembled a team of experts to handle queries.
159. We've got more work coming in than we can handle.
160. You need to be able to handle pressure in this job.
161. We only handle cosmetics which have not been tested on animals.
162. I think I would handle a meeting with Mr. Siegel very badly.
163. You have to turn the handle and then pull it towards you.
164. It's useful to watch how other pilots handle the glider.
165. Usually cooking pots have two small handles but pans have one long handle.
166. Cullen objected that his small staff would be unable to handle the added work.
167. Handle children kindly, if you want them to trust you.
168. In my book this is not the way to handle it.
169. He turned his eyes to the door when he heard the handle turning.
170. We were worried she wouldn't be able to handle it,[] but she came through in the end.
171. The company is to handle the distribution of the product in Europe.
172. He polished up the handle of the big front door.
173. I'm trying to look ahead at what might happen and be ready to handle it.
174. To tell the truth, I don't know if I can handle the job.
175. The note on the box said 'Fragile - handle with care '.
176. Some preteens are able to handle a good deal of responsibility.
177. Wilkinson found his opponent a little too hot to handle .
178. The system will handle not only telephone calls and data messages but other signals that need high bandwidth, for instance those that encode TV pictures.
179. I had to have a boat that could handle turbulent seas.
180. When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand.
More similar words: handlebarbundleendlessswindlea bundle ofhand in handfriendlyby and largeaddlepeddleneedlemeddlehurdlepuddlemiddlebefuddlebefuddledhuddle togetherregardlessmiddle-classregardless ofmiddle groundirregardlesshandthanthankon handby handhand inhand on
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