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Handle in a sentence

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Sentence count:245+50Posted:2017-01-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: carry ondeal indirectfeelfingergovernmanagemanipulateregulateruntouchtrade inuseSimilar words: handlebarbundleendlessswindlea bundle ofhand in handfriendlyby and largeMeaning: ['hændl]  n. the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it. v. 1. be in charge of, act on, or dispose of 2. interact in a certain way 3. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression 4. touch, lift, or hold with the hands 5. handle effectively 6. show and train. 
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121. I wasn't sure if I could handle such a powerful car.
122. Gently, she took hold of the door handle and turned it.
123. As the car swung round the corner, she held on to the grab handle to steady herself.
124. The electric wire is fraying and could be dangerous to handle.
125. You have to push on the handle to turn it — it's very stiff.
126. It's difficult to get a handle on how widespread this problem is.
127. The handle of a cricket bat protruded from under his arm.
128. Counselling can teach people to handle negative emotions such as fear and anger.
129. She's grown so tall that she can reach the door handle now.
130. For many politicians, abortion is an issue that's too hot to handle.
131. At a nod from Lawton, he gently turned the handle.
132. Can you show me how I can handle this camera?
133. When you have got a handle on your anxiety you can begin to control it.
134. We need someone to handle the marketing end of the business.
135. Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overflow.
136. The sleeve of my jacket caught on the door handle and ripped.
137. I was glad to be let out of that nasty affair, and have someone more experienced handle the trouble.
138. Ever since we moved last year, I worry a lot about whether I can handle this new job.
139. He began informally to handle Ted's tax affairs for him.
140. It can handle even the most complex graphic jobs,[] freeing up your computer for other tasks.
141. People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.
142. Some students have emotional problems that teachers feel ill equipped to handle.
143. When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off .
144. seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could get a handle on it.
145. He put too much pressure on the door handle and it snapped.
146. His past experience qualified him to handle such a delicate matter.
147. You can detach the handle of the saucepan by undoing this screw.
148. How would you handle being locked in the back of a cab while the driver hurled abuse at you?
149. This is a useless knife — the handle has broken!
150. I have heard that some men handle the culprits roughly, is the problem that serious?
More similar words: handlebarbundleendlessswindlea bundle ofhand in handfriendlyby and largeaddlepeddleneedlemeddlehurdlepuddlemiddlebefuddlebefuddledhuddle togetherregardlessmiddle-classregardless ofmiddle groundirregardlesshandthanthankon handby handhand inhand on
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