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Geneva in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+4Posted:2017-09-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: wheneverbenevolentbenevolencebenevolentlygenegenericgeneticgenesisMeaning: [dʒɪ'nɪːvə]  n. 1. a city in southwestern Switzerland at the western end of Lake Geneva; it is the headquarters of various international organizations 2. gin made in the Netherlands. 
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151. A city of southwest Switzerland located on Lake Geneva and bisected by the Rhone River.
152. In March 1996, the Seventh and last Steering Committee of the International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees met in Geneva. It was agreed that the CPA should end on June 30, 1996.
153. The summit conference or summit meeting is held in Geneva.
154. Mello will take office on September 12 th in the Geneva - based UN Human Rights Headquarters.
155. If a brand is base area with Geneva, and the scrupulous when production watch is without barratrous ground to implement 12 rigid standard.
156. Rod Curtis at the World Health Organization in Geneva says the new bivalent vaccine solves the problem.
157. So the police cited a fire code violation which I'm told is applicable to most buildings in Geneva —in effect, an all-purpose excuse to shut down anything.
158. A yearly meeting of all the member countries in the World Health Organization is this week in Guinevere Geneva, Switzerland.
159. It's the capital of the canton of Geneva, the second - smallest canton in the Swiss Confederation.
160. "The number of events have gone up very, very dramatically, " CRED Director Debarati Guha-Sapir said in Geneva.
161. Bombing foreign embassy is a clear violation of international law - in particular of the Geneva Convention.
162. In the aftermath of their arrest, the Gadhafi couple filed a civil suit against the Geneva police.
163. Using a progressive algorithm, large star-shaped plates, called Geneva Wheels, running down the center of the clock will generate a different bell ringing order for each day of the next 10,000 years.
164. The appeals court ruled that because Hamdan was a member of al Qaeda, the Geneva Conventions did not apply to him and he could not assert the unlawfulness of the military commissions on that basis.
165. Develop an effective communications strategy for IBJ's training function under the guidance of IBJ's Geneva headquarters.
166. The Agreement contained an arbitration clause referring all disputes to ICC arbitration in Geneva.
167. This year, on 17 June, the Geneva Protocol, an international treaty prohibiting the use of asphyxiating or poisonous gases and bacteriological methods of warfare, turned 80 years of age.
168. No, he is more in Geneva because we have better facilities than Lausanne.
169. Hybrid technology developer Frazer- Nash Research teamed up with Turin, Italy-based design firm Italdesign Giugiaro to bring a new concept car - the Namir - to Geneva Motor Show.
170. It 's the capital of the canton of Geneva , second -smallest canton in the Swiss Confederation .
171. The detainees at Guantanamo Bay are being treated humanely, in conditions consistent with the Geneva Convention.
172. The memo also a legal theory for circumventing similar prohibitions against torture in the Geneva Convention.
173. Located in Lausanne , only 40 minutes by train from Geneva Lausanne.
174. Major Cities: Zurich, Basel, Geneva, Bern, Lausanne, Winterthur, Lucerne, Bienne, Thun.
175. The CERN Axion Solar Telescope in Geneva aims to detect axions from the sun's super - hot core.
176. A Geneva member wrote: 'One of my friends, a funny old-timer here, told me that the site has lowered so much its level, that she has invited her maids.'
176. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
177. Their call for a new Geneva conference was a sensational event.
178. The story was written by Russian author Gogol in the 1840s during a self-imposed exile to Geneva and Rome.
179. Members of the YMCA and YWCA will come together for a worship service at the Ecumenical Centre at the World Council of Churches headquarters in Geneva.
180. Still, many hold out hope that we're getting close and that experiments such as the newly built Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator in Geneva may finally solve the puzzle.
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