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Focal point in a sentence

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Sentence count:120+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pointpointspoint outpoint toappointpinpointin point ofpointlessMeaning: n. 1. a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges 2. a central point or locus of an infection in an organism 3. the concentration of attention or energy on something. 
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1. The swimming pool is the focal point of the hotel.
2. The school provides a focal point for the local community.
3. Reducing unemploymentis the focal point of the government's plans.
4. The castle forms the focal point of the city.
5. He quickly became the focal point for those who disagreed with government policy.
6. Television has now become the focal point of family life in many countries in the world.
7. In rural areas, the school is often the focal point for the local community.
8. The brochure described the library as the focal point of learning on the campus.
9. The television is usually the focal point of the living room.
10. The new tax has been the focal point for much discussion.
11. There would be no centre, no focal point.
12. Third, the Eucharist is the focal point of fellowship.
13. One important focal point is their Hindu temple.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. It is often the focal point for fundamental conflicts.
15. The local mission became the focal point of the deaf community which it served.
16. More importantly, it becomes the focal point in the player's mind.
17. The state-sponsored agro-industrial cooperatives are the focal point for this discussion of the creation of an industrial proletariat.
18. The dockside coal depot will be the focal point of a demonstration against imports and pit closures tomorrow.
19. The focal point of this existing structure is the school's policymaking group: The management board.
20. The group leader is the focal point for group dynamics, which he or she initiates and manages.
21. It's a focal point for people from miles around and has a really continental flavour.
22. We should refrain from placing at our political focal point only those subjects for which a solution has not been found.
23. The focal point of reception was a huge brick fireplace.
24. In what sense was the discovery of America a focal point in history?
25. Eight lesbians who gather at a local bar are the focal point of this comedy[], directed by Marita Giovani.
26. He looked again at the scatter of markers, hoping that some system of lines might appear, some focal point.
27. Everybody fussed over his brilliance to a great degree; he was a focal point at our school.
28. All the instrumentalists, of course, weave solos through this fabric of sustained notes, but the focal point is Threadgill.
29. Farmhouse follows the style of the farmhouse kitchen, and has a pine dresser or armoire as its focal point.
30. Back in the early 1980s, there was a small community whose focal point was one mosque in Tempe.
More similar words: pointpointspoint outpoint toappointpinpointin point ofpointlessto the pointappointeddisappointcheckpointappointmentpoint of viewpointillisma case in pointdisappointedcounterpointdisappointmentsuffocatevocallocalalphabeticalso-calledpolitical partyequivocaljointapocalypsereciprocalgo into
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