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Fair sex in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: state of affairsfairfairystairsunfairfairlyaffairupstairsMeaning: n. women as a class. 
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1. Car insurance: an unfair deal for the fair sex?
2. Bob likes watching the fair sex.
3. Many companies still discriminate against the fair sex.
4. The fair sex gathered on the veranda.
5. Michael always liked to please the fair sex; but they generally laughed at him.
6. This first human of the fair sex was named Pandora.
7. The academia research to fair sex problem, mostly apt comes to both area to undertake apart.
8. Of pilfer date increasingly rampant, more serious destruction make gold the fair sex the industry.
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9. Poems from Yutai Xinyong focus on the affection and the fair sex, namely, " collection of boudoir "
10. It cannot assure information authenticity, accuracy, integrality, seasonable sex , fair sex.
11. But in so far as she is keeping up as one of the Fair Sex.
More similar words: state of affairsfairfairystairsunfairfairlyaffairupstairsfair playput on airsfair pricefairy talelove affairfair and squarelaissez fairelaissez-fairesexual intercourseby fair means or foulsexsexysextonsexualhave sexsexuallysex drivesexualityhomosexualfailfirstheterosexual
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