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Dispersed in a sentence

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Sentence count:181+10Posted:2017-03-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: disperseinterspersesupersedeimmerseddispeldispleasedpredisposeddispensableMeaning: [dɪ'spɜːs]  adj. distributed or spread over a considerable extent. 
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121. Agriculture is an extensive activity with dispersed employment, but this sector has seen the largest decline.
122. Accounting tends to supersede direct observation because the units to be controlled are usually many and they are also probably geographically dispersed.
123. Meanwhile, clay can also be dispersed by sodium metasilicate.
124. The vapours, we may trust, have dispersed?
125. The clouds dispersed and the fog lifted.
126. The soldiers were dispersed along a wide front.
127. The police dispersed the demonstrators.
128. The policemen dispersed the crowd.
129. A group of children dispersed.
130. The light is dispersed into its component wave lengths.
131. The data of electron microscopic histochemical study showed that some slender collagen fibers and heavily stained elastic fibers were dispersed around myoepithelioma cells and in mucoid tissue.
132. Mortar theory assumes that asphalt mixture is a dispersed system of multilevel interspace reticulate structure.
133. With the method of adding nano-particles during extracting stage, dry UHMWPE gel fiber dispersed with nano-particles is prepared, after multi-step hot drawing, modified UHMWPE fibers are prepared.
134. The disc has an inspired balance between dispersed atmospherics and punchy, emphatic themes.
135. To ensure the dispersed reasonable for increasing the yarn quality by the way of controlling the rove chemical degum form and condition.
136. It took some two hours before the crowd was fully dispersed.
137. Surge domine disepentur inimici tui et fugent qui oderunt te a facie tua—Rise up, Lord, may your enemies be dispersed and those who hate you flee from your face.
138. This invention can defoam the waste on site to save transportation of dispersed wastes.
139. By electronic microscope analysis[], it is found that there is a certain amount of second dispersed phase in the martensite matrix which is the metallurgical factor of forming built-up edge.
140. When clouds shrouded that new moon, as they did this night, the people dispersed, alarmed.
141. Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers dispersed through Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, elect.
142. The copolymer molecular structure was identified by the analysis of IR. The size of the dispersed particles arid their distribution was measured.
143. A wisp of white smoke dispersed to reveal a duck falling from the sky like a stringless kite.
144. Natural deaths tend to show a dispersed age distribution at burial sites.
145. Because the town sits in a valley(, air pollution is not easily dispersed.
146. The optical microscope photographs show that the molecular sieve is well dispersed in the silica sol.
147. They live high in the Andes, in small and dispersed groups.
148. The dispersed phase is the discontinuous phase of a dispersion.
149. Silica-supported bismuth molybdate catalysts were prepared by impregnation in a highly dispersed state and by coprecipitation in a largely crystallized state.
150. The less entropy is, the less indefinability of risk grade system is, the more dispersed subordinated vector is, the better assessment methods are.
More similar words: disperseinterspersesupersedeimmerseddispeldispleasedpredisposeddispensabledispensationindispensablewhisperper seterseversejerseyaverseoverseeperverseadverseimmersediverseinversereversedisposedisplaydisputeuniversepersecutetraversepersevere
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