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Despatch in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2017-05-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: communiquedispatchexpeditionexpeditiousnesssend offshipmentSimilar words: dispatchdispatchedpatchpatchydespairbespatterpatchworkspatMeaning: n. 1. an official report (usually sent in haste) 2. the property of being prompt and efficient 3. killing a person or animal 4. the act of sending off something. v. send away towards a designated goal. 
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1. The despatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure.
2. In order to ensure prompt despatch of the Information memorandum to you please fax the signed confidentiality agreement to me on.
3. All metals are monitored during alloying and before despatch, using the most modern analytical equipment in their own laboratory.
4. Brief encounter at despatch box sets Tory pulses racing Sketch.
5. It also provides a record of the order, despatch and maintenance contract dates of the issued product.
6. And how many despatch riders ever look over their shoulders?
7. You play Ripley, who has to despatch hordes of alien-infested humans from an underground penal colony.
8. The hands that normally give the despatch box a confident caress gripped it in white-knuckled nervousness.
9. The packaging department and the despatch department each employ one member of staff working on a part-time basis.
10. He rushed the despatch through to headquarters.
11. He feels we should act with despatch.
12. 'A despatch sent after you from over yonder.
13. A cable inquiry would ensure early despatch,( which is of benefit to you.
14. To prepare parts and paperwork for the despatch of goods to sub - contractors and Customers.
15. In that despatch Mr Chun reportedly says some Chinese officials were willing to "face the new reality" that North Korea was of little value to China as a buffer state.
16. It's highly expedient for you to use despatch, lest another should step in.
17. Appropriate methods for authorising receipt from and despatch to such areas shall be stipulated.
18. The fox takes his chance with a pack of hounds which may catch him and despatch him immediately.
19. Accordingly,( Manville took out his code manual and began preparing an official sanction for despatch to Brussels.
20. Experts are still trying to locate the fault which caused another shutdown of the £1m Computer Aided Despatch system.
21. After monitoring the performance of the engine on the rig, it is prepared for despatch to the customer.
22. Now the piece had been put into a polythene bag and given a label pending its despatch for forensic examination.
23. Good nurserymen watch the weather forecasts, and do not despatch when cold weather is imminent.
24. On the day of her retirement, representatives from every department assembled in the despatch area.
25. All orders, including your own, have already been made up and are now awaiting despatch.
26. It is a condition of this insurance that Assured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstance within their control.
27. As requested, we will inform you of the date of despatch immediately upon completing shipment.
28. Please take note of our order, and kindly advise us when you can despatch the goods.
29. It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstances within their control.
30. Please book the necessary shipping space in advance to insure timely despatch of the goods ordered.
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