Synonym: bringing, deliverance, legal transfer, livery, manner of speaking, obstetrical delivery, pitch, rescue, saving, speech. Similar words: deliver, liver, delight, delicate, guideline, live, deliberately, live out. Meaning: [dɪ'lɪvərɪ] n. 1. the act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail) 2. the event of giving birth 3. your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally 4. the voluntary transfer of something (title or possession) from one party to another 5. (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter 6. recovery or preservation from loss or danger 7. the act of delivering a child.
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181. A: Air couriers act as delivery persons for packages too urgent or sensitive to fly as general cargo.
182. At this stage you should also get a delivery date.
183. Later, the delivery sys-tem was decentralized further, when the task of resupplying pills was turned over to village health volunteers.
184. Somehow you must organize a buffer between you and any mail delivery system.
185. Now one has a healthier order book while the other finds its delivery times and its storage needs slashed.
186. Similar relationships hold for cycles of futures contracts with different delivery dates, as shown in Fig. 8.2.
187. If your order comes to over $30, we will not make a delivery charge.
188. Teamwork contributed to both the identification of location clients and the delivery of Glasgow's attributes to meet their specific needs.
189. Where a delivery date had not been provided a shocking 59 per cent of goods were never delivered.
190. Software and cards together provide a complete authoring and delivery environment of unrivalled power.
191. Should a company employ its own delivery fleet, or should it hire contractors for distribution?
192. The restaurant delivery boy rode skillfully up on his bike.
193. The buyer's carrier went to the cold store with a delivery order.
194. As an alternative to episiotomy,[Sentencedict] the delivery of the head can be carefully controlled.
195. If the volatility of futures prices rises as delivery approaches, the correlation between spot and futures prices will tend to decline.
196. Sellers of promotional items usually require candidates to pay 50 percent per order up front, with the rest payable on delivery.
197. Selling forward means selling the foreign currency today for delivery at the time you expect to receive it from your customer.
198. Twenty-four more cars of the type were immediately ordered for delivery in 1934, at a cost of £2,356 each.
199. The cheapening delivery costs of coal extended its use in manufacturing and in domestic consumption.
200. Introduction Despite historical controversy the umbilical cord is generally clamped immediately, particularly after preterm delivery.
201. She always began her delivery among the less picturesque groups of cottages on the south side of the green.
202. Under Leonore's eagle eye he had examined the suddenly produced delivery note and made only a cursory inspection of the truck.
203. So give the kids cash for a pizza delivery, and let the grown-ups enjoy a relaxing meal in the shade.
204. Before the delivery date, the buyer made a sub-contract to sell similar goods at 65s. per ton.
205. The product is going into beta test, and if that goes as planned, it is scheduled for delivery this July.
206. The delivery of these reliefs must be conducted methodically.
207. Manage supplier performance metrics for on time delivery, quality and cost.
208. Jacobson, though, thinks the Internet will be the delivery method of choice.
209. This mean that international delivery will line markup from today.
210. Meanwhile to maximizing attention to cutting costs and improving accuracy of delivery.
More similar words: deliver, liver, delight, delicate, guideline, live, deliberately, live out, live on, very, live with, live up to, every, slavery, everyone, every other, recovery, every bit, every time, in every way, everything, driver, diverse, receiver, diversity, give rise to, anniversary, economic recovery, over and over, model.