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Cycle in a sentence

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Sentence count:168+8Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: circleseriesSimilar words: clearuncleclerkcirclemuscleclear outclear upclear offMeaning: ['saɪkl]  n. 1. an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs 2. a series of poems or songs on the same theme 3. a periodically repeated sequence of events 4. the unit of frequency; one hertz has a periodic interval of one second 5. a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon 6. a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals. v. 1. cause to go through a recurring sequence 2. pass through a cycle 3. ride a motorcycle 4. ride a bicycle 5. recur in repeating sequences. 
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61. It forms the backbone of an important result in algebra, known as the Cycle Decomposition Theorem for Modules.
62. It's best to go with an organised group if you want to cycle or paddle your way through the area.
63. Lie flat on your back and cycle backwards with the legs 30 times.
64. Constable McLennan stated that children of primary school age were allowed to cycle on the pavement.
65. The old Roman calendar of festivals contained a cycle of urban celebrations reaching back to the city's legendary foundation.
66. A fault in the drying cycle means that the machine overheats and can catch fire.
67. Eventually, the economy reaches the peak of the cycle - the so-called boom period.
68. Nights, sometimes, Anton would cycle over for a visit to Rab, to play chequers.
69. Most take place at high points in the stockmarket cycle, when investors are at their most bullish.
70. When this landmass begins to warm up that section of the mantle, the cycle begins anew.
71. Rather than just evolving in a gradual, uniform manner, the earth may actually be caught up in a repeating cycle.
72. From beginning to end, each cycle of boom and slump lasts, Kondratiev argued, for about fifty years.
73. Whitelegg said that any less severe measures would fail to break the cycle of dependence on road transport and consequent congestion.
74. This version did receive approval and the weekly cycle of episode recording commenced in earnest.
75. Only by sharing parenting, she wrote, could we break the cycle.
76. To what degree is that positive cycle of challenge and autonomy happening for you in your work now?
77. It is likely to be converted into cash and is part of the operating cycle therefore a current asset.
78. This cycle causes considerable market uncertainty affecting the occupiers, developers, investors and planners involved in new building.
79. Her life was miserable because she could only live in that cycle: borrowing from the trader and selling it to him.
80. This same basic cycle could also operate on the interconversion of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide plus oxygen.
81. These observations defined the structure of the cell cycle experiments[], as carried out in January and February of 1995.
82. Conclusions- Increasing waist-hip ratio is negatively associated with the probability of conception per cycle, before and after adjustment for confounding factors.
83. The shift of emphasis, from degree of differentiation to cell cycle, is crucial and huge.
84. Therapists also teach couples new ways of speaking and listening, to break the blame cycle.
85. The mean period is 331 days, but both the period and the amplitude change from one cycle to another.
86. It'sthis seasonal bounty to which the Eleonora's breeding cycle is geared, and the falcons harvest it in abundance.
87. The cycle can be used to determine the lattice enthalpy of sodium chloride.
88. If this is the case a two-day fast on fruit juice and water will break the cycle.
89. Going into mid-1993, the company had yet to break this cycle.
90. So the vicious cycle continues: we create daughters who have difficulty articulating their own needs and perceptions.
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