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Crimper in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2018-10-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: crimpscrimpcrimplecrimpingimperfect competitioncrimescrimcrimeaMeaning: n. 1. someone who tricks or coerces men into service as sailors or soldiers 2. a mechanical device consisting of a cylindrical tube around which the hair is wound to curl it. 
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(1) Crimp the edges to seal them tightly.
(2) His face was crimped by the hardships of his life.
(3) Low prices crimped domestic output and foreign imports.
(4) Use a hot iron to crimp the edges.
(5) She has never crimped her hair.
(6) The dollar's recent strength is crimping overseas sales and profits.
(7) The lack of effective advertising has crimped sales.
(8) But he had heard the front door shut, despite my efforts, and it was crimping his style.
(9) Fold the rectangle of dough in thirds again, crimping the seam with your fingers so that it will not open up.
(10) Financial stocks dropped on concern that Treasury bonds yields are headed higher, crimping banks and other lenders' profit margins.
(11) After an hour, though still wide awake, I crimped the page and turned off the light.
(12) She had pale crimped hair over her temples, and her lips were parted to reveal large, even teeth.
(13) It blamed lower holiday sales, crimped gross margin, stormy weather and higher costs.
(14) Beauty salons crimp and curl shining hair with a fall like silk into shapeless frizz.
(15) Another simple rule to observe is to be careful not to crimp or squeeze the cable.
(16) But it would signal a policy shift by the central bank that could crimp the economy severely later on.
(17) If you own a detector working from this system you should try to use only batteries with proper crimped terminals.
(18) Just think(Sentencedict), we were nineteen-year-old kids crimping blasting caps with our teeth.
(19) And higher rates also tend to crimp corporate profits, by raising the cost of borrowing.
(20) But a strong dollar crimps big, multinational companies, which generally have a huge portion of their operations abroad.
(21) Through the Stud Crimper fixed the joint frame and vertical frame, it can replace the traditional construction process to finish quickly.
(22) On the last go, on the last move, my finger blasted off this tiny crimper, and I ripped my entire finger-tip-callous off.
More similar words: crimpscrimpcrimplecrimpingimperfect competitioncrimescrimcrimeacrimsonprimpcriminalwar crimelacrimalacrimonylimpersimperimpelwhimpershrimpcriminatecrime waveanticrimecriminallycrime ratescrimmagescrimshawlimpetimperilimpedeimpend
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