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Cosmic in a sentence

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Sentence count:278Posted:2017-04-24Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: chaoticSimilar words: microcosmcosmoscosmeticcosmologycosmonautmacrocosmcosmopolitancosmetic surgeryMeaning: ['kɒzmɪk(l)]  adj. 1. of or from or pertaining to or characteristic of the cosmos or universe 2. inconceivably extended in space or time. 
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121. Based on an analysis of the accumulated data of the cosmic ray experiments, find that inelasticity K decrease with energy as 0.
122. Through high - power space telescopes, people can see cosmic dust clearly.
123. You might say , well, look, we have the cosmic microwave background radiation.
124. Kashlinsky and colleagues first noticed the dark flow when studying the way gas in galaxy clusters interacts with the cosmic microwave background radiation.
125. Such a project often marks the transformation from "beginner" to "advanced amateur, " from casual sightseer to cosmic fanatic.
126. European researchers said they clocked an oddball type of subatomic particle called a neutrino going faster than the 186, 282 miles per second that has long been considered the cosmic speed limit.
127. Veiled by cosmic dust, the Milky Way arches over Haleakala Crater on Maui.
128. The characteristics of hadron component in the cosmic ray high energy ? ? - ray families are presented.
129. Explanation: This helmet-shaped cosmic cloud with wing-like appendages is popularly called Thor 's Helmet.
130. Data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) can show the minute temperature changes created as the cosmic microwave background radiation moves through gases in galaxy clusters.
131. Thus, a cosmic string a mile long can weigh as much as the Earth.
132. It will also gather information from cosmic radiation sources on stars and galaxies millions of light years away.
133. The heliosphere shields the solar system from 90 percent of energetic cosmic rays — high-speed charged particles that would otherwise bombard the planets and harm life.
134. This spinning motion, at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second, may cause matter in the disk to take on a distinctive spiral shape like a cosmic pinwheel.
135. The inelasticity ofp-air and A-air interactions of superhigh energy cosmic rays is analysed and the influence of the nuclear collision geometry is investigated.
136. Cosmologists usually consider the dust-emitted microwaves to be “noise” that obscures their data, worth analyzing only to erase from their measurements of the cosmic microwave background.
137. Explanation: Cosmic dust clouds and embedded newborn stars glow at infrared wavelengths in this tantalizing false-color view from the Spitzer Space Telescope.
138. In addition to collecting particles for analysis in an ion and neutral mass spectrometer, and a cosmic dust analyzer, Cassini will photograph yet unseen parts near the moon's south pole.
139. Cosmic radiation impact varies according to air routes, reaching its maximum at two poles.
140. That the Japanese, in thrall to China from time immemorial, should try to subjugate their vast neighbor seemed an inversion of the cosmic order.
141. Brighter clusters—those with more hot gases—would be expected to have greater affects on the cosmic microwave background,( and that's what the new study confirmed.
142. It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings.
143. Chinese government, in 2002, promulgated and implemented the standards for controlling exposure to cosmic radiation of air crew GBZ 140—2002.
144. By using the enthusiastic color and potamic cosmic form, the author wants to implicit a lofty spiritual mental realm and an ideal pursuit of be honest all the time.
145. The global variation characteristics of tropopause are shown by analyzing the data of temperature profiles from Radio Occultation(RO) observations aboard the satellites of COSMIC.
146. The fountainhead of cosmic inventory is origin from water, which is one of the most beautiful and sagacious things in people's minds.
147. The telescopes sift through the background cosmic radiation to find spots where it has been slightly perturbed as it passes through extremely hot gas, a hallmark characteristic of galaxy clusters.
148. Whittle, whose primary area of research relates to galaxy formation, presented his cosmic riff at a recent meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Denver.
149. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark.
150. In Einstein's theory, the notion of gravity as an attractive force still holds for all known forms of matter and energy, even on the cosmic scale.
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