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Cosmetic in a sentence

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Sentence count:195+7Posted:2016-11-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: decorativeenhanciveornamentalSimilar words: arithmeticcosmopolitansometimesometimesat the same timehereticpatheticgeneticMeaning: [kɒz'metɪk]  n. a toiletry designed to beautify the body. adj. 1. serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose 2. serving an aesthetic purpose in beautifying the body. 
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151. Cochineal insects are used widely in making food, cosmetic and medicine.
152. Both Phosphatidyl Choline (PC) and Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine (PE) are important sorts of phospholipids, being widely used in the filed of food, pharmacy, cosmetic and so on.
153. Meanwhile, the 5 female groups were given saline, estradiol valerate, large, middle and small dose of acne-eliminating cosmetic granule.
154. The prepared cosmetic face pack based on the electro-spinning nano-fiber has certain mechanical intensity and toughness, and can be compressed on skin.
155. Its correct name as it should be on cosmetic labels is coffea Arabica seed oil.
156. Conclusion Out of cosmetic consideration, we think it is advisable to adopt tumour local extirpation rather than exenteration of the orbit.
157. Uses:Lt is used for food, cosmetic, medical health product and anti- mortify for tobacco. As Unsaturated acid, it also used as resin, aromatics and rubber industry.
158. So, why is it that the multibillion dollar cosmetic and toiletry industry has not acted on this information?
159. Chen Huanran, a cosmetic surgeon, has seen the number of male patients pick up considerably in the past two years.
160. May I use nanometer pearl powder together with other acid cosmetic?
161. Lip reconstruction with reserved oral commissure causes slight damage for the lip function and cosmetic appearance.
162. It's a logo designed for a cosmetic company. I used letter E to form the shape of a flower. The idea is to give a soft and natural feeling by using warm colors.
163. In addition, including foundation cream, dye, lipstick, rouge, nail polish, eye shadow and other decorative cosmetics, but also because it takes too long to affect cosmetic results.
164. DocShop can help you find a cosmetic surgeon in your area today.
165. The cosmetic surgeon told Forbes. com that he used the blubber to power two cars including his four-wheel-drive Ford.
166. Compared with the cosmetic soap, bath soap dissolved in cold water slowly, the foam less suitable for use in warm water.
167. Uneven character of the coding machine for the imprinting machine, suitable for food, medicine, cosmetic packaging box embossed date of production and the production lot number.
168. Acne sex cutaneous person criterion more Ying Shen uses cosmetic, absolutely cannot put on the skin uses oleaginous cosmetic, should choose the medicaments cosmetic such as acne frost.
169. Bowen's or Paget's disease involving nipple is not an uncommon event. Surgical excision with nipple-areola reconstruction is usually required for cosmetic reason.
170. AS reported by the Daily Mail on December 14, 2006, a 46-year-old woman Sarah Burge, in Cambridgeshire, became addicted to cosmetic surgery after her first nose operation in 1986.
171. Chen Huanran, a cosmetic surgeon, has seen the numbers of male patients pick up considerably in the past two years.
172. Application: It was widely used in health tonic , health pharmacy,[] hairdressing and cosmetic area.
173. Abdominoplasty, or a 'tummy tuck, ' is a cosmetic surgery designed to correct a protruding abdomen that may result from weak abdominal muscles, weight gain, or pregnancy.
174. China cosmetic industry ought to keep away from the babbittry"price war"and hold the chance and course.
175. According to the company, Vietnam is a potential market for cosmetic products.
176. The results indicate that cranioplasty using allograft bone flaps is safe and practical with a good cosmetic effects and no infection.
177. The cosmetic brush (1), which is designed as an injection-molded plastic piece, is in particular a mascara brush or a hair coloring brush.
178. Additional, because oleaginous bigger cosmetic, can make cutaneous metabolism gets serious obstacle, and cause the facial disease such as acne to suffer from.
178. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
179. 4-dioxane is a byproduct of a chemical processing technique called ethoxylation, in which cosmetic ingredients are processed with ethylene oxide.
180. Compositions and methods for improving the performance of long-wearing cosmetic products.
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