Similar words: corrode, corresponding, correspondingly, corresponding to, corrosion, corrosive, corroborate, corroborative. Meaning: [kə'rəʊd]
n. erosion by chemical action.
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1. Rust has corroded the steel rails.
2. Corruption corrodes public confidence in a political system.
3. The metal has corroded because of rust.
4. The copper pipework has corroded in places.
5. Higher levels of pollution have started to corrode pipes.
6. He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidise.
7. Steel tends to corrode faster in a salty atmosphere, such as by the sea.
8. Certain chemicals will corrode if left on bare metal.
9. Corruption has corroded our confidence in the police force.
10. Acid has corroded the iron .
11. Acid rain destroys trees and corrodes buildings.
12. Engineers found the structure had been corroded by moisture.
13. Acid causes metal to corrode.
14. If the pipe is badly corroded, it should be replaced.
15. Iron tools corrode easily.
16. Jealousy corroded her character.
17. The inves-tigators found that the underground pipes were badly corroded.
18. Patination After long exposure to the air or burial in the ground most materials corrode.
19. Occasionally the spoil heap outside a badger sett would reveal a piece of bone or a scrap of corroded armour.
20. Beyond the stadium were the corroding hulks of the Bronx.
21. He warns that corruption is corroding Russia.
22. That sour nature has started corroding those metal parts.
23. Acid attacks buildings and monuments(, corroding the materials they are built with.
24. The corroding mechanism is chemical corrosion electric - chemical corrosion and heat stress corrosion.
25. Wealth disparities are corroding Japan's meritocracy and poverty is rising.
26. Suffering was easier to bear than the bitterness he felt corroding his spirit.
27. The rock and sand thickened into hard, accurate molds of the weapons corroding inside.
28. The solution is efficient in operation ,[] slight in corroding and strong in mist inhibiting.
29. Feelings of guilt gnawed away at the soldiers'heart , corroding the armor of his soul.
30. The invention belongs to the field of ultra-precision processing of hard and brittle crystal materials and relates to a corroding agent for detecting damage of a surface layer of a sapphire substrate.
More similar words: corrode, corresponding, correspondingly, corresponding to, corrosion, corrosive, corroborate, corroborative, flooding, brooding, prodding, foreboding, surrounding, surroundings, according, recording, accordingly, according to, prodigy, prodigal, morrow, sorrow, horror, borrow, prodigious, borrowed, tomorrow, sorrowful, sorrowfully, corrupt.