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Coronary in a sentence

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Sentence count:215+3Posted:2017-06-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: coronary arterycoronary care unitcoronary artery bypass graftcoronacoronationcoronercoronetcorollaryMeaning: ['kɒrənərɪ]  n. obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery by a blood clot (thrombus). adj. surrounding like a crown (especially of the blood vessels surrounding the heart). 
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(91) Populations at risk for the development of large bowel cancer are also generally at higher risk for development of coronary heart disease.
(92) Underlying structural cardiac abnormalities, most commonly obstructive coronary disease, are present in the vast majority of patients.
(93) Not just in coronary care - there are other examples.
(94) By another stroke - nay, complete coronary - of fortune, Hugo's bro Jebb was a bassist.
(95) Are you at high risk of having a coronary?
(96) Tall lipemia and coronary heart disease and other diseases.
(97) Conclusion:AMI is caused by sudden coronary occlusion of thrombus.
(98) Coronary artery bypass grafting was performed without complications.
(99) The coronary ostia are involved in the dissection.
(100) The presence of angina indicates significant coronary ischemia.
(101) Conclusion MSCT would be an effective complementary or alternative method for CDEC to evaluate coronary artery lesions non-invasively in pediatric patients with Kawasaki disease.
(102) In conclusion,( ABI measured using the automated oscillometric method can be used to predict the severity of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with CAD.
(103) Objective To study the methodology and clinical value of multi - slices spiral CT coronary angiography ( MSCTCA ).
(104) Conclusion :Ablation in patients with left accessory path could prolong the exciting time of coronary sinus.
(105) Consistency of the results was compared between DSE and coronary angiography.
(106) Dogma Disputed: Can Aggressively Lowering Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Be Dangerous?
(107) Results: The intimal area and medial area of the coronary artery gradually increased with.
(108) Objective To discuss the role of plasmatic fibrinogen in the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease (CHD).
(109) The blood flow of the left circumflex coronary artery was measured by a rotameter in 18 open-chest dogs.
(110) Objective To explore the application and therapeutic efficacy of Plavix in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention( PCI ).
(111) We hypothesized abnormalities of angiogenin levels in acute coronary syndrome (ACS), with prognostic implications for predicting adverse events.
(112) Results The stenosis of coronary artery occurred in left anterior descending most frequently, right coronary artery secondly, left circumflex thirdly and other branches.
(113) Conclusions: The coronary artery ectasia is also a main reason that myocardial ischemic, electrocardiogram to change.
(114) Abdominal aortic dissection with retrograde extension to the ascending aorta during diagnostic coronary catheterization has not been reported before.
(115) Over the last several years angioplasty has exceeded coronary bypass surgery as the preferred way to treat coronary artery disease.
(116) How HDL can protect the coronary circulation is not as yet firmly established.
(117) The incidence of POAF is approximately 33% after coronary bypass surgery and 35-50% after valve surgery.
(118) However, patients with dextrocardia may suffer from coronary heart disease as do people with normally positioned hearts.
(119) Background - Multidetector computed tomography ( MDCT ) has high diagnostic value for detecting or excluding coronary artery stenosis.
(120) Methods Myocardial infarct was produced by ligation of the left coronary artery.
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