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Connecticuter in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2023-09-11Updated:2023-09-11
Similar words: connecticutinterconnectioninterconnectingautomatic connectionconnectionconnectiveconnectingconnecterMeaning: n. a native or resident of Connecticut. 
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1. He is a U.S. senator from Connecticut.
2. Nichols set off for his remote farmhouse in Connecticut.
3. She teaches at the University of Connecticut.
4. Connecticut was one of the original colonies.
5. He was on the wagon for ten years(, when he was living in Connecticut.
6. In 1976, Connecticut established one of the nation's first set-aside programs.
7. Usually, a state like Connecticut sells tax-exempt municipal bonds.
8. One hopes Connecticut is a community property state.
9. Then there was a goofy game against Rutgers, in which Connecticut was in arrears 30-15 and also came back to win.
10. He became a nationally prominent horse breeder, fostered charities, sat on corporate boards, served in the Connecticut legislature.
11. Connecticut is assessing high school students in math and science based on team-oriented projects that take up to a semester of work.
12. Christopher Shays of Connecticut, Republican sponsor of the leading bipartisan bill.
13. Puccio is also the lawyer for Alex Kelly, a Connecticut man awaiting trial on rape charges.
14. The President has already visited a similar camp run by Paul Newman in Connecticut.
15. Similar advocacy groups in several other states also are planning legal action modeled on the Maryland and Connecticut suits.
16. Officials at the company's headquarters in Danbury, Connecticut, could not be reached for comment last week.
17. Even in this questionable industry, meanwhile, the Connecticut leasing operation is clearly the black sheep.
18. Warren is from an upper middleclass Connecticut family; he's a bit of a snob.
19. The Connecticut campaign was characterized by ferocious attacks by Brown on the character of Clinton.
20. A few years ago, we bought our Connecticut house from a family with five teen-agers.
More similar words: connecticutinterconnectioninterconnectingautomatic connectionconnectionconnectiveconnectingconnecterreconnectionno connectionconnectivitydisconnectionconnecting roddisconnectingconnectionismconnection timeconnecting lineconnectionlessdata connectionconnecting tubeconnecting pipeconnecting wireinterconnectearth connectioncross connectionin this connectionconnection pointconnecting flightremote connectionconnective tissue
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  • MBWUpmEH 2023-09-24 13:30:01
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