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Conics in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2019-04-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: conic sectionsonicsebonicsbionicsphonicscryonicsavionicstectonics
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1. They resembled ordinary peasants with their vintage rifles, conic hats and indigo pajamas.
2. The girl had conic in while Heather was unpacking; she had said hello and asked if she could help.
3. Peasants in black pajamas and conic straw hats had flowed in from nearby villages to mingle with merchants and mandarins.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The previous day a letter had conic from the Ministry of Education.
5. The Conics are just the beginning of the story of beautiful curves that are useful in the design of turned wood.
6. Sam Fong felt uneasy; he expected them to conic over and ask him who was the keenest chap in the store.
7. And five standard equations of conics are also directly deduced.
8. Apply the theory of pencil of conics to reveal the geometric significance of simultaneous equations of second degree with two unknows.
9. Automatic identification method of conics is studied based on the curve geometric invariants.
10. Conics is a difficult section in the Analytic Geometry for senior high school students.
11. If it does, re-project the conics onto the plane. Else, fit the projected points as a B-spline curve and smooth it.
12. It covers the basic elementary geometry, conics , geometric functions and tangent curves.
13. The lines constructed through the intersections of two conics. This is also defined for non-intersecting conics.
14. On average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills conics ( phonics ) and vocabulary.
15. In this paper, instead of corresponding image points which are widely used in the literature, corresponding image conics are used to calibrate a rotating camera.
16. In this paper, a new method of representing a conic in three-dimensional space is proposed. The concept of the coordinates of the conics in two-dimensional and three-dimensional space is defined.
17. The next three chapters develop a self-contained account of von Staudt's approach to the theory of conics.
18. The parallel-connection and variable-speed operation characters of the centrifugal pump groups are studied by conics fitting of the character curves in the high efficiency area.
19. The radii and the centers of the circles are both unknown. The algorithm uses conics fitting to calculate the images of the circular points from the images of the circles.
20. This paper deals with the graphics of the intersections and common tangents of two conics according to projective geometry .
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