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Cash in on in a sentence

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Sentence count:45Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cash incasinofashionold-fashionedfishingashminortrashMeaning: v. take advantage of or capitalize on. 
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1. Sensation - seeking newspapers tried to cash in on her misery.
2. The record company was trying to cash in on her fame by releasing early teenage recordings.
3. Worst still, she was planning to cash in on Ivor's insurance policies.
4. George Bush could now cash in on the country's post-war confidence by launching another war on the black home-front.
5. Van Poppel, the former phenom, has yet to cash in on his vast potential.
6. Miller can cash in on her basketball talent by advertising athletic shoes.
7. Fidelity Investments is hoping to cash in on some of this traffic by offering three new unit investment trusts.
8. Have you noticed how the record companies cash in on the death of famous pop stars by re-releasing all their old records?
9. Still, I was determined to cash in on my success and maintain a high profile at the ground.
10. They can cash in on good ideas from staff and benefit from many small improvements and occasional large leaps forward.
11. Don't try to cash in on me.
12. Companies cash in on the cuteness of babies.
13. He tries to cash in on me.
14. A company can cash in on a fad such as Beanie Babies, Furbies, and Tickle Me Elmo dolls(, but this is more a matter of luck and good timing than anything else.
15. She loves purses. Maybe we can cash in on her popularity.
16. Manufacturers of raInwear were not slow to cash In on the prediction of a wet summer.
17. Let's cash in on the fine weather and go fishing.
18. Shopkeepers are hoping to cash in on the biggest shopping season worldwide.
19. Udinese may not cash in on defender Cristian Zapata this summer, says his agent.
20. Track days are big business, and the circuits are keen to cash in on this growing area of classic car ownership.
21. Small and large breeders have sprung up worldwide, anxious to cash in on escalating demand.
22. People were seen queuing overnight outside travel agents to be able to cash in on a £20 holiday for four!
23. The cathedral appeal is one of a clutch of Essex organisations to cash in on grants announced yesterday.
24. Treating the whole province as a single constituency gave Paisley a chance to cash in on his considerable personal support.
25. Marketing expert Mark Roesler testified Thursday that Simpson could cash in on his name.
26. But Anna's ex-husband, an Englishman, went further than anyone, given the chance to cash in on his erstwhile Russian wife.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. But Gabon's oil reserves were dwindling and Bongo saw a chance to cash in on another hot commodity.
28. This scenario has befallen several Yunnan cities that tried to cash in on the allure of Shangri-La.
29. But houses are assets that individual Chinese with money can cash in on.
30. Liverpool have been alerted to Real Zaragoza's willingness to cash in on defender Gaby Milito.
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