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Carrefour in a sentence

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Sentence count:32Posted:2017-08-31Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cardiac arrestcare forcarrelscarredcar rentalarrest warrantbefoulcard-carryingMeaning: n. a junction where one street or road crosses another. 
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1. Carrefour faltered, doubling over as the bullet caught him just below the sternum.
2. To Carrefour, her face seemed to darken, perhaps in shadow.
3. Carrefour started, looking round from the door, the sound echoing in his mind.
4. Key words: Japan , Carrefour, retail.
5. Respect management rules and work time schedule of Carrefour.
6. Carrefour and BOCOG declined to comment in Beijing yesterday.
7. Welcome to join Carrefour and grow with us.
8. Ror Your Attention to Carrefour Development!
9. Carrefour is to open a new branch store near downtown for Christmas.
10. Carrefour is also selling 29 hypermarkets in Mexico after troubles there.
11. Let's go and buy one at Carrefour. And we can also buy some more food there.
12. Forming violent mobs at Carrefour makes China look really backward and stupid.
13. The French supermarket Carrefour understandsthis, which is why it replicates local marketplaces within its grocery storesand is trouncing Wal-Mart in China.
14. However, Carrefour is also self - books, books and Bertelsmann similar types and more for the best - selling book .
15. Carrefour in Tianjin regularly invited average consumers to roundtable meetings to better gauge their psychology and expectations while accruing more basic market statistics.
16. Boycott Carrefour, is not boycott Chinese, but is an attitude[], the way to show how dissatisfaction!
17. Carrefour SA plunged the most in seven months after the world's second-largest retailer cut its earnings forecast.
18. Presently, Carrefour ranked 22 nd among the Fortune 500 companies.
19. And so, with a Gallic shrug, Carrefour is closing up shop in much of South - East Asia.
20. Presently, Carrefour ranked 29 th among the Fortune 500 companies.
21. By contrast, Carrefour chose to go it alone and found itself boxed in by rivals.
22. He couldn't move as Richmann passed out of his field of vision, not caring enough to even notice Carrefour any longer.
23. Wal - Mart world - renowned transnational corporations , TESCO, Carrefour and other products have sales of factory production.
24. Automakers Ford and Honda, Finnish mobile phone maker Nokia, French retail giant Carrefour and German chemical group BASF are among the major foreign firms already in Chongqing.
25. In the very short term, the bidding scramble is good for Carrefour.
26. Until the share price recovers , the Halleys want Carrefour to stay independent.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. It now has new four-lane roads, upscale apartment complexes, a Carrefour store, and Shenyang's first Ikea (the sign outside reads: "No dream too big, No home too small").
28. A twenty percent discount will be given when you shop at Carrefour.
29. Meanwhile, the intermediate reduction in circulation also reduces the operating costs of Carrefour.
30. Among European stocks in focus Tuesday, share of French retailer Carrefour (FR:CA 36.08, -0.04, -0.10%) recovered from early losses to trade up 0.9% in Paris.
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