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Cap in a sentence

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Sentence count:203+19Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beatcovercrownexcellidtopAntonym: hatSimilar words: Cap.capitacapitalcapturecaptainlandscapecapabilityMeaning: [kæp]  n. 1. a tight-fitting headdress 2. a top (as for a bottle) 3. a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive 4. something serving as a cover or protection 5. a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom 6. an upper limit on what is allowed 7. dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a tooth 8. the upper part of a column that supports the entablature. v. 1. lie at the top of 2. restrict the number or amount of. 
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61) He squared his cap and clothes before entering the office of his boss.
62) He had offered the loan of his small villa at Cap Ferrat.
63) It's been a terrible week and now, to cap it all, I've got a cold.
64) And then, to cap it all, it started to rain!
65) Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill.
66) He won his first England cap against Wales in 1994.
67) To cap it all, the phones didn't work, and there was no hot water.
68) Winning the gold medal was a feather in his cap.
69) A small scar marked her forehead and icicles hung from her brown fur cap.
70) Surgeons placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together.
71) Without his baseball cap, he looks different.
72) Newley was wearing a flat cap made of tweed.
73) Her amendment to remove the cap failed 47-51.
74) No chains, no baseball cap,[] no eight-ball jacket.
75) Once he took his cap off.
76) He was holding a flat cap full of coins.
77) He has a cap on(, which he removes.
78) We decided to leave his cap on.
79) No cap, no apron or anything.
80) Proposition 13 put a cap on property taxes.
81) He had a many-pocketed shooting jacket, brown, with a flat brown tweed cap.
82) The blue cap he tossed to the floor in order to grasp my hand.
83) Cap Cities executives said they were hopeful approval would come in a couple of weeks.
84) The Wizards could make more trades that could alter their salary cap structure and the makeup of the team.
85) Bobby Seale appeared in a blue baseball cap, measuring his words instead of letting them explode.
86) Two years ago the state also eliminated the tax credit cap on research and development.
87) She had blue eyes and fair hair pulled back under her starched cap.
88) Witnesses said they saw McVeigh with the somber, dark-complected man with a baseball cap.
89) Briony crammed the cap low over her brow as if to express solid determination, then swung round and left the room.
90) Opposite, number 47 in huge green wellingtons and baseball cap was talking to number 60.
More similar words: Cap.capitacapitalcapturecaptainlandscapecapability
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