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Camellia in a sentence

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Sentence count:75Posted:2017-12-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: camellamellalamellaeamelia earhartsmellingmellifluousorwellianfoul-smellingMeaning: [kə'miːljə]  n. any of several shrubs or small evergreen trees having solitary white or pink or reddish flowers. 
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31. Green tea, brewed from the leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis), is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.
32. The cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism approach was used to identify genes expressed differentially during early and late flower bud development in tea plant(Camellia sinensis).
33. Camellia against the wind risks snow, what not be afraid of an environment is abominable, can be in freezing winter is long indefectible, the people of the battle praises it is triumphal flower.
34. Tea plant(Camellia Sinensis) is one of the important economic plants in China, which has long history and distributes widely.
35. Main ingredients: camellia powder, Avocado, heronsbill, aloe essence, elastin,( rose oil and etc.
36. Here we introduces common exotic plant species to South Africa, such as Jacaranda acutifolia, Ceiba insignis, Spathodea campanulata, Camellia japonica, Bougainvillea spectabilis, etc.
37. Main olein product: Camellia oil, fragrant oil, oil, oil, peanut oil.
38. Is it concern of space? I have never seen a big camellia.
39. Main ingredients: live spring water, oil - control factor, marigold, camellia, cacti and hydrolyzed collagen protein.
40. Baking soda, citric acid, camellia oil, olive oil, shea butter , essential oils of michelia alba, lavender, rose geranium, palmarosa, organic rose petals.
41. Camellia japonica as the floral emblem of Qingdao, In recent years, concerned.
42. Ovary of Camellia chrysantha (Hu) Tuyama. 3-5 locules, bearing 3-5 anatropous bi-integument ovules, axile placentation, ten-uinucellate ovule.
43. Green tea — Green tea is a "true" tea (i. e. Camellia sinensis) that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing. The first of the less processed teas were ...
44. A such beautiful pitiable but respectable woman who thanks Alexandre Fils Dumas having molded aux Camellia.
45. Green, oolong, and black teas all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. What sets green tea apart is the way it is processed.
46. The results showed that the quantity, population, and distribution of the endophytic fungi varied in different part of the plant Camellia sinensis.
47. And every time a camellia withers, my orders are to put another one in its place.
48. Determination of chemical composition of utility parts of anti - osteoporosis in the seeds of Camellia japonica L.
49. Objective To examine the enhancing effect of camellia oil on the skin permeation of - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs.
50. Recycling. A light - hearted look at some of the household materials used by camellia enthusiasts.
51. There is abundant in camellia cake resource in China, but its utilization coefficient is very low.
52. Black and green tea comes from the same plant, Camellia sinensis.
53. There are at least 29 species and 3 variants of genus Camellia in Sichuan.
54. The subdivisions of genus Camellia with a discussion on their phylogenetic relationship.
55. In the present study, fungal epiphytes and endophytes were isolated from healthy leaves of Camellia sinensis with routine isolation methods.
56. By this natural wonder he was totally amazed, goggle-eyed, and at a side glance spotted clusters of camellia, which danced in the moonlight charmingly.
57. Green tea is made from the dried leaves of Camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub native to Asia.
58. From London to Lucknow, Moscow to Macau, many places around the world have established customs concerning the manner in which infusions of Camellia sinensis leaves are socially imbibed.
59. Studies on the Methods : To Control Florescence of Camellia.
60. Camellia japonica L. distributed on offshore islands in Qingdao is a typical component of subtropical flora, often is called Naidong because of its strong cold endurance.
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