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Buyer in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+8Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: emptorpurchaservendeeSimilar words: buybuy offlayerplayeremployertaxpayerMeaning: ['baɪə]  n. a person who buys. 
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181. The supplier handles transportation procedures. Transportation means: Seaway. Reached port: ordered by the buyer.
182. Neither the buyer nor the seller should tear up this contract.
183. Worse still, it is difficult to find a buyer at this juncture.
184. The buyer will have the option to renegotiate with the seller for a new delivery date.
185. As any car buyer knows,( the test drive often leaves unpleasant features undiscovered.
186. GM recently warned that it would shut down Hummer unless it could find a buyer.
187. Gillett and Hicks hired Barclays Capital to put out feelers internationally to find a buyer.
188. There can be an exemption where the buyer will be demolishing the property.
189. Seller goods available, contact and notify the buyer shipping freight forwarding arrangements.
190. The buyer should fill the report of after sell service about the service man's work situation.
191. Buyer now in touch uninterested can you offer type b or c.
More similar words: buybuy offlayerplayeremployertaxpayer
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